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Pumpy's Brewery.
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Well I have no room in the Fermentation fridge so todays wort I used Rays " No Chiller method " and packed the batch in the poly containers at 90C , for it to cool down at room temperature , and then ferment next week ,when I will not have enough time to Mash ,but, enough time to start the fermentation and the fermentation fridge will be free.

If Rays idea works it will mean a great deal of flexibilty when I can mash and build a little stockand ferment .

There were no issues packing the hot wort .

Good job pumpy

Im going to do the same soon with my rogenbier.

I wont have the fridge spare for 2 weeks and i only have 2 weeks off work so if i brew mow i can firment later.

bloody hell i cant wait for winter.

I can have all the ales i want going in the garage.

I suppose it would be legal to sell the unfermented wort Tony

Not much money in it Boozy still if one could increase the batch size to a 200 litre SS drum it might be a side line for when we retire :D

Pumpy did u sanitise the containers prior to transfer or rely on the wort temp for sanitation properties?
Yes I did sanitise them but , when we did the same from the Braidwood brewery the cubes were from the factory and they didnt sanitise them.

All looking good Pumpy,
When the yeast is ready your on your way
The pouring of the wort in the fermenter will give you plenty of oxygen for the yeasts
I have a Swartzbier ready for the yeast.
This will change the way you brew
bugger brewing for other people :)

i dont mind sharing a couple of beers but.......
I was about to say we kind of looked like brothers ray :p

Rays fist comes through tonys computer screen.......


Tony hits floor

No ofence intended :D

cheers mate
Another good point I can see is that "No-chill" will allow you to brew when your yeast is not yet ready to pitch.
Just store the wort until your yeast numbers are good.

Also, if you want to brew a lager and have trouble getting the wort temp down using a chiller/ pre-chiller/ ice block and pond pump, use "No-chill". Allow the wort to cool to room temp and then refrigerate to pitching temp without the concern of grief from airborne contaminants. When the wort temp is correct, transfer off the break into the fermentor and pitch your massive lager yeast culture, aerate, and put it all back in the fridge.

This was a community message brought to you by "No-chill" and Seth the Weizguy.

Seth out :p

I hope it works ,

Does anybody know if excessively hot temperatures harms those stick-on termometers? The reason I ask is that I would like to get a general idea of the wort temp without opening the cube and dipping in a thermometer. But putting in boiling hot wort might screw around with the stick-on type thermometers and stop them working when the temp drops back down.

I think I will definitely try this method more often (only done it once before with quite successful results), sounds pretty practical.
T.D. said:
Does anybody know if excessively hot temperatures harms those stick-on termometers? The reason I ask is that I would like to get a general idea of the wort temp without opening the cube and dipping in a thermometer. But putting in boiling hot wort might screw around with the stick-on type thermometers and stop them working when the temp drops back down.

I am pretty sure it does!

I did a no chill into a fermenter last week and the stick on thermometer doesn't seem to be working anymore, at first I thought it was the wort was too warm but then I attached the probe for my temp controller to side of the fermenter and it read 22C but no reading on the stickon one. I double checked the temp controller with a thermocouple and it was reading the same.

Does anyone else want to try the experiment as well?
Heat definitely effects the stick-on thermometers.

They may not be destroyed, but certainly inaccurate after being cooked by hot wort.

In my experience, anyway.

Seth :p
Beg to differ Seth, though YMMV.

I use a stick on therm on my boiler believe it or not. Works really well for checking when the chiller's done it's job. :) You'd think it would suffer all manner of heat abuse this way but it's still fine.

I've verified it's accuracy against my thermocouple. It's all good. :beerbang:

Warren -
So... Where is a good place to get some hot wort storage containers? Are the normal plastic water jerry's good for the higher temps? If they are I'll get some from Bunnings one day soon.

The containers I used Chis who organised the Braidwood brewery project ,got from the same supplier as ESB use although they were different shape to what ESB used .

When I added the wort at 90 C it did not soften the plastic and was safe to move ie was not going to collapes on me ,I think it was a Poypropelene container .

Food grade

warrenlw63 said:
Beg to differ Seth, though YMMV.

I use a stick on therm on my boiler believe it or not. Works really well for checking when the chiller's done it's job. :) You'd think it would suffer all manner of heat abuse this way but it's still fine.

I've verified it's accuracy against my thermocouple. It's all good. :beerbang:

Warren -

Gee, where'd you get that idea. ;)

I too find it works fine.. so far.
