Hop Shortage Now A Hop Glut

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Good to see a turn around, but wondering if it will result in less growers, and the shortage re-appearing in a few years times.

Story link here

Quick, Graham, get on the blower and let's get a bulk buy of Chinooks and Cascades going :icon_cheers:
Will we see a decrease in prices in Australian home brew shops? I'm not holding my breath. Just the way the world works now.
Quick, Graham, get on the blower and let's get a bulk buy of Chinooks and Cascades going :icon_cheers:


Let's all sponsor someone here to go over there and pick the hops that they can't be bothered picking.
I feel so sorry for those poor, poor septics, with their $5 pints, and their $9 six-packs.

Oops, sorry, is my sarcasm showing?
but wondering if it will result in less growers, and the shortage re-appearing in a few years times.

A common problem in agriculture Doc - its known as hysteresis. The same thing happens in viticulture. You get tastes changing or a glut and growers scramble to change their production accordingly, but by the time they get a commercial harvest (3 years for grapevines), either tastes have changed again or they find that too many other growers did the same thing. So you get a natural cycle of oversupply and shortages. I would imagine it would be no different in the hop industry.

On a positive note we should end up with cheaper prices. Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back to the good old days (ie a few years ago) where 100g cost $7-8 and $500g cost $30-35...
we have more chance of getting cheaper hop prices with a better exchange rate. so long as inflation doesnt drive up fuel/transport prices which would errode the savings.

but yeah, bring on the cheap hops so us hop heads can enjoy 200g of hops in a 3% beer!
As much as I'd like to see hop prices as low as possible, I actually hope they don't fall too far.
If we hadn't had the shortage I'm reliably informed (from the horses mouth) that NZ probably wouldn't have a hop business now!

But hey there's always Chinese hops to keep you in cheap beer...

Cheers Ross
I assumed it meant sceptics (as in those who don't believe in cheaper hops).

I'm septicle

Manticle young man, it's a hangover of 'rhyming slang' which in Australian English came down from the London Rhyming slang of the 19th Century. Something to do with convicts of course. The second element of the pair is not spoken but is implied from the first element.


Just going down the frog to pick up my whistle from the dry cleaners

= frog and toad = road
= whistle and toot = suit

Thus Septic

= septic tank = yank get the idea?

Alternative Australian usage of a name for suit is 'bag'

= bag of fruit = suit

anyway gotta go, my trouble wants me to go up the apples and give her a Brighton

trouble and strife = wife
apples and pears = stairs
Brighton Pier = beer

Rhyming slang is very much alive in the UK to this day and was common in Australia up to the 70s but has faded here due to the Septic's influences on our day to day language
I love rhyming slang....

I say we bring it back..
As much as I'd like to see hop prices as low as possible, I actually hope they don't fall too far.
If we hadn't had the shortage I'm reliably informed (from the horses mouth) that NZ probably wouldn't have a hop business now!

But hey there's always Chinese hops to keep you in cheap beer...

Cheers Ross

No way !
I don't believe farmers would tear up there hops if prices fell. All farmers experience drops in their crop prices be it hops, wheat, fruits or whatever. Some farmers will make a break and plant something else, the others will do better because of this. To say NZ would not have a hop business because prices fall is B.S.
Farming is a way of life it has it ups and downs, anyone what some Paw Paws ?

Actually Bribie I think you've got that slightly wrong. It's not straight up pommy style rhyming slang.

Seppo is short for Septic Tank Yank, which was made because of the inference that Americans are 'full of shit', just like septic tanks'. The fact that tank and yank rhyme just makes the whole thing neater.

The 'full of shit' part is the reason why the term was created.

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