Hop Question - Nelson Sauvin

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I really love Knappstein Clare Valley Lager, i notice they say they use Sauvin hops, which im assuming are the same as Nelson Sauvin i have seen on some websites.

Has anyone used these hops before in any brews? If so what were they like? i am a big fan of American Pale Ales, and was thinking of using the Sauvin Hop as it does have a real good citrus / floral flavour to it. I am also going to use 1272 American Ale 2 yeast for the first time, previously it has been with

On that subject, would Sauvin be a good one to blend with perhaps a Cascade or Amarillo, or another type?

Your thoughts are apprieciated, im still on the early days of my home brew career, but really loving it!
Nels Sav's a great hop imo. I dont use it enough tho.

Dont know about how it would go with Amarillo, but it should gel nicely with cascade and even better with galaxy i reckon.

have a look in the recipe DB for Ross's Nelson Sauvin recipe, its a cracker and really lets this hop shine.
Yup - i answered but then moved it to the other thread...

We could start a contrary thread...

Mate Don't trust the Kiwi's - it'll make your brew taste of soot.
It goes very well with galaxy and cascade. I have a great recipe in the db. I could see it working with amarillo but I wouldnt try it.

I think Nelson needs something else along with it as it can be quite cloying but also quite wicked bitterness! used carefully its a cracker of a hop. As Fents said it goes perfectly with galaxy.

FYI.... On the front of the board a member called Stuster has set up a fantastic resource called Flavour of the week he gives a run down of alot of styles of beer and the hop of the week....

+ big1 for the nelson/galaxy combo.
It's a bloody strange hop either on it's own or used generously, it seems to have flavours and bitterness that sit way outside the hop 'square'
I'm doing a side by side kolsh ATM (Wyeast 1007) with a touch of Nelson. One at 20C and one at 13C(pseudo lager).
It's either gonna compliment the fruity Kolshy one really well, or bugger it badly I reckon..
It goes very well with galaxy and cascade. I have a great recipe in the db. I could see it working with amarillo but I wouldnt try it.

I think Nelson needs something else along with it as it can be quite cloying but also quite wicked bitterness! used carefully its a cracker of a hop. As Fents said it goes perfectly with galaxy.

FYI.... On the front of the board a member called Stuster has set up a fantastic resource called Flavour of the week he gives a run down of alot of styles of beer and the hop of the week....

It's funny I brewed a Pale Ale with Nelson and Galaxy recently and it seemed like they kind of cancelled each other out, still fruity and hoppy but not what I expected from this combo. Anyone else had this?
We have brewed with galaxy and nelson separately and together on numerous occasions.

I personally like the together, I think they compliment each other well I wouldn't call it cancelling out I guess it depends on how you use it.
It's funny I brewed a Pale Ale with Nelson and Galaxy recently and it seemed like they kind of cancelled each other out, still fruity and hoppy but not what I expected from this combo. Anyone else had this?

What sort of IBU count was it Luka?
I found it filled in the 'gaps' in combo, which may be the same thing I suppose?
Dont know about how it would go with Amarillo, but it should gel nicely with cascade...

I'll let you know... ;)

Brewed a Smurtos Golden Ale with Nelson and Amarillo. Only used a tiny bit of Amarillo (15g) and bittered and late hop/flameout was NS. Was full-on for the first month, then with cellaring it got heaps better. Now it is perfect drinking and everyone I've handed it to loves it - but that's 5 months in the cellar!

I suggest Nelson Sauvin with Cascade will give you the best result. The Nelson Hop imparts a bit of spiciness to it when fresh, so clashed with the amarillo when first in the bottle I found. The citrus/pine of Cascade would work heaps better. If you want to know what it tastes like, grab a Fat Yak - they use Nelson Sauvin and late hop with cascade.

I personally love this hop - fresh it tastes really weird and can be almost sour to taste (winelike as some suggest). With cellar time it dulls off and becomes more like a US Cascade or Amarillo in flavour - some citrus seems to come out for some reason I've found.

If you make anything with this hop, hold back a couple of bottles in your cellar if you have the willpower. It's worth it!

Watch out for N/S.

I had lots of it and used it only in the 60 minute boil of a Pale Ale trying to avoid getting any flavour in there, just bitterness.

Huge flavour came through...

I found it works wonderfully with a lot of caramel maltiness. To me it tastes of peach/nectarines.

I won't ever use more than 15g for dry hopping anymore though, as it starts to get on ya nerves it's such a big hop.
Watch out for N/S.

I had lots of it and used it only in the 60 minute boil of a Pale Ale trying to avoid getting any flavour in there, just bitterness.

Huge flavour came through...

I found it works wonderfully with a lot of caramel maltiness. To me it tastes of peach/nectarines.

I won't ever use more than 15g for dry hopping anymore though, as it starts to get on ya nerves it's such a big hop.

It does mellow out over time as Hopping Mad said, but if you are anything like me beer doesnt hang around long. I so want to like the hop more then I do!
It does mellow out over time as Hopping Mad said, but if you are anything like me beer doesnt hang around long. I so want to like the hop more then I do!

:D I bought 3 x 90g packs of pellets a while back because I loved it. I OD'ed on N/S!
I think Nelson needs something else along with it as it can be quite cloying but also quite wicked bitterness! used carefully its a cracker of a hop. As Fents said it goes perfectly with galaxy.

Well put, Katie. In my opinion NS definitely needs to be used either with great restraint or in conjunction with something else. Also beware it can put out a great cat piss character.

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