Hop Boiling

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Hey guys,

Been away from the brewing game for a while now (self imposed exile from drinking) and looking at easing back into it.

Was thinking of putting down a cerveza for the father at his request and after a bit of advice before I do so.

I've seen on these threads that people use hops in their recipes, in the context of "add *grams for *mins". Just wondering if someone can clarify what that means. Is that how long you boil the hops for or let them seep, or something altogether?

Also, how long do hops keep in the fridge? I have about 20g Saaz and 50g Fuggles in the fridge?

Cheers lads.

ok well you will see something like
20g saaz @ 30 mins
20g saaz @ 10mins

this means once you get a rolling boil the longest time i.e 30mins will go in first (the 30mins means time left in boil) you boil for 20 mins then add 20g @ 10 mins then boil for 10 mins and remove from the heat.

hops will last over 6 months but best left in the freezer from what I have read, also try to keep them in a air tight place
Thanks for the quick reply.

Any suggestions on hops for a cerveza?

Last time I brewed I put down a Czech pilsner and cold fermented in a spare fridge at about 12 degrees for 3 and a bit weeks. Turned out good. Was thinking of doing the same, but dry hopping after about 2 weeks didn't do this on the Czech pilsner and regretted it).

Again, any suggestions?

From what I've read you want to dry hop once the krausen has dropped & fermentation has nearly stopped. There's dudes on here that know way more about it than me though. I'm currently drinking a Dr Smurto's golden ale that I dry hopped with 40g of Amarillo. I'm hoping I can bottle tomorrow so I can get another batch started.
Any suggestions on hops for a cerveza?

Can't say for certain as I've only just put this on but I'm hoping my Cerveza with Pilgrim hops. My LHB guy tells me that Pilgrim should have a citrus'y lemony flavour to it. I did a 15 boil and I'll dry hop about 5 days after pitching.

I'll let you know how it goes if you want.

Galena hops are used in Corona IIRC.

Yes, Galena. However I made a successful Cerveza with just 20g Chinook 90 mins. No further additions, as it's a very light flavoured beer and you want to keep it in balance. Actually with Corona you do get a bit of malt flavour.
Yes, Galena. However I made a successful Cerveza with just 20g Chinook 90 mins. No further additions, as it's a very light flavoured beer and you want to keep it in balance. Actually with Corona you do get a bit of malt flavour.

And you need the lemon/lime wedge to disguise that delicious skunk aroma because it sits in the pub fridge for a week with a glaring flouresent light above it. :D

I heard once that the wedge was there to stop the mexican barflies from stealing most of it ... not for flavour.