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was looking up racking and came across this passage on homebrewtalk.

the passage im referring to in particular is this:

'Many brewers consider racking to be an unnecessary step that exposes your beer to needless risks of infection and oxidation. In the experience of many brewers, you can leave your beer on the primary yeast cake for 3-6 weeks without it developing off flavours provided that the beer is kept at or below fermentation temperatures. This longer period seems to particularly help in fermenting beers brewed with malt extract (as opposed to all-grain beers) as the longer period on the yeast cake helps to ferment out the beers and clean up some untidy flavours.'

in terms of previous experience, does this statement hold true?
Pretty much. 6 weeks is probably getting on the long side for me (but I am terribly thirsty, so you know). Can't say I agree with the point about extract beers though - FG is FG, more time isn't going to do all that much in that regard. In both kit and AG beers I notice (i.e. perceive) an improvement in my beers by leaving them a while after FG.

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