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I've been thinking of doing double batches, but at the moment am limited to a single fermentor. Would it be ok to go down the no chill cube method, and transfer the other half to a safe cube and not pitch for a week or 2? I imagine it would be ok for most styles, but would prob not use it for those early drinking wheats etc.

Any help is most appreciated!
As long as you follow the NC rules I don't see any reason why you can't; put the wort into the cube(sanitised cube) while hot, squeeze as much air out as poss, and let it cool down naturally.

You could also store the cube in the fridge if you have room, after it's cooled down.
I make 60 odd litre batches. Which gives me a fermenter and 2 cubes. Doesn't matter what style it is, if the cube is sealed, clean and sterile you can take as long as you want to drop it into the fermenter. I have had cubes sit for three+ months before use.

Cheers Brad
Fanstastic. Thanks for the replies. On the note of cubes, the only ones i have kicking around are those from previous FWK buys from ESB. Any particular ones to buy in general? Local HBS or a camping store?
Fanstastic. Thanks for the replies. On the note of cubes, the only ones i have kicking around are those from previous FWK buys from ESB. Any particular ones to buy in general? Local HBS or a camping store?
Previous FWK cubes are still good to use, as long as they are well sanitised. :beerbang:
You don't need to sanitise a cube, 80+ degree wort will take care of that. It does need to be clean though.

You can no chill wheat beers without a problem - the freshness of beer is a factor only after fermentation has finished. Un-fermented wort stays stable for months, if not years, under appropriate conditions, (hop utilisation notwithstanding).


You don't need to sanitise a cube, 80+ degree wort will take care of that. It does need to be clean though.

You can no chill wheat beers without a problem - the freshness of beer is a factor only after fermentation has finished. Un-fermented wort stays stable for months, if not years, under appropriate conditions, (hop utilisation notwithstanding).



For the time it takes to put a bit of Starsan in and rinse it around, it doesn't hurt. :beerbang:
For the time it takes to put a bit of Starsan in and rinse it around, it doesn't hurt. :beerbang:

Yeah i was just thinking that. It would already be in the pot, just run it through the valve into the cube.

Thanks all, i appreciate it. Will start doing asap.
yep if I no chilled I would sanitise first for the sake of 2 mins while the wort is boiling in the pot and your sitting there waiting for it to finish. Its not to hard to do, I can now do doubles and with only 2 kegs I think I will be doing no chill into cubes.

sorry OT but might as well get in on a no chill thread!.

Only problem I have is I want to quick chill my beer as soon as flame is out. I also want to keep cold break out of fermenter (i know it isnt as bad as they say) But I want as much out as possible. What could should I do?? Would putting 20 deg wort into a well cleaned sanitised cube still be ok or does it have to be HOT!. I cant see why a boiled wort into a well cleaned sanitised cube would matter unless you got bugs off the chiller that would of been boiled for 15mins anyway.

Edit: maybe a 90min boil might make it better???
Would putting 20 deg wort into a well cleaned sanitised cube still be ok or does it have to be HOT!. I cant see why a boiled wort into a well cleaned sanitised cube would matter unless you got bugs off the chiller that would of been boiled for 15mins anyway.

Edit: maybe a 90min boil might make it better???

its gotta be hot going into the cube if your going to delay pitching yeast, i reckon. the wort will pick up wild yeast etc in the air as it chills or when you transfer it to a cube.

You killed the bugs in the wort and then re-introduced them via the 'sanitised' cube. Sanitizing only works as a means of reducing the bug count to such low numbers that the competing yeast you pitch has a massive upper hand.

In the cube, there is NO competition, so, given time even the 0.001% whatever bugs left over from sanitizing might spoil it.
oh well looks like I will just go buy some more kegs and just ferment, keg and gas them and just leave them there till I want them. I might do the odd double and cube both but not cubing one then chilling the remainder.
We have cubed a half and chilled the other half, just made a Cube (hop) addition then after running the half off added last minute hops to the boil before starting to chill for the half we wanted there and then.

it seems very much there's plently of reasons not to do something but most things we've tried (brew in a bag, no chill etc) have worked fine for us!
yeah I got room for the fermenters just dont have the kegs lol. So if I bought 2 more kegs and just carbed them up and left in the keezer then I can just hook them up when I am ready. Plus I never leave my kegs to condition long enough so would be prob a better option as they will get to mature in the keg and not be turned into piss in me lol.
Just cube em hot, whether or not you sanitise beforehand and store for a later date. :beerbang:
Ja, I would second that. Split them hot, do the no chill properly. So double batch = 2x NC cubes.
yeah but I would be wanting to ferment one that night so would have to quick chill one. I might as well quick chill the lot ferment the lot and keg it all but just gas one and store the other till I want it. Been meaning to get 2 more kegs anyway. But If I got kegs full then I will NC the whole batch. Cant see the point in whirlpooling then draining a cube then quick chilling then whirlpooling then draining the rest lol. Will be one or the other kegs depending.
Wouldn't there varying hop qty's for the 2 different methods of chilling?

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