Crack and crush is the same in my book. You don't need to process it further. You will need to steep it, that is to soak it in about a litre of 70ºC water for about half an hour, then drain off the liquid. You boil the liquid for about 10 minutes or so to sterilise it (well, really sanitise, but let's not argue semantics). Cool it, then add it to the fermenter, or just add it to the fermenter, as the cold water you add will help cool things down.
If your grains are all specialty grains, like Cara and Caramel, then they can all be added together, so you can follow the steeping process all in one hit.
Base malts, which you will not use with a kit, need mashing so need to be separate.
Only add the yeast at the end when you have mixed all your ingredients, and follow the instructions on the pack or on the producer's website.