Hi I Am New To Brewing

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Thanks YB.

On that, do people use different fermenters for different beer styles to avoid funny flavours? IE 1 fermenter for Lager, one for Ale etc?

Not really.

In some circumstances people might use different vessels (eg. if fermenting a sour beer with a wild/funky yeast or as suggested, a ginger beer).

Ales, lagers, whatever though - same vessel, just clean and sanitise well in between.

Second, third etc fermenting vessel is good for those who want to ferment more than one at the same time.
Tell me more about using gladwrap instead of an airlock...so the co2 will just build up and eventually push out under the rubber band?

No problems with air getting in?

I like the idea of seeing the bubbles coming through the airlock to get an idea of when fermentation starts to slow down, but Im going to struggle to fit my fermenter into my fridge with an airlock on top, so glad wrap is obviously the way to go.
Tell me more about using gladwrap instead of an airlock...so the co2 will just build up and eventually push out under the rubber band?

No problems with air getting in?

I like the idea of seeing the bubbles coming through the airlock to get an idea of when fermentation starts to slow down, but Im going to struggle to fit my fermenter into my fridge with an airlock on top, so glad wrap is obviously the way to go.

All the cool kids use gladwrap :icon_cheers:
The CO2 will just push around the O-ring that you use to hold the gladwrap down, on the outside of the fermenter. I used a tighter rubber band at first and the gladwrap actually stretched. Now using the O-ring, the gladwrap will swell, and the gas escapes. It holds enough in, for there to be positive pressure.
Can see thru the gladwrap - you can tell when ferment has slowed. Usual signs, just easier to read those signs!
Less height required in ferm fridge
Less to clean & sterilise
Its breakable if a kiddie gets near it
Can be awkward to put the O-ring on if you have only 1 arm :lol:
Glad wrap?? hahaha im so lazy now i just undo my lid a little. but i use jerry cans so smaller area (and they usually explode).

i would definately use glad wrap, it's much better seeing the krausen grow and shrink back down rather than an air lock's bubbles.
Glad wrap?? hahaha im so lazy now i just undo my lid a little. but i use jerry cans so smaller area (and they usually explode).
Do you put your bottles/kegs underneath your jerrys so that when they explode they get filled automatically?
no i use it for yeast starters!! (just for the new guy, this is a joke!)
Glad wrap?? hahaha im so lazy now i just undo my lid a little. but i use jerry cans so smaller area (and they usually explode).

i would definately use glad wrap, it's much better seeing the krausen grow and shrink back down rather than an air lock's bubbles.

I use my no chill cubes as fermenters regularly with the lid backed off a few turns. Works fine, saves transferring (which far from being due to laziness, avoids any infection risks from transfer as well as limiting cleaning to one vessel).
Yeah thats how I do my ciders never done a beer like it though but no reason I shouldnt - I guess I too like the 'bloop' of the airlock. I've never had much luck with the glad wrap method though :(
HI all,

My name is Philand I am new to brewing.

I have my first batch on the cooker so to speak hope things will be ready for the weekend for bottling and then resting for a few weeks or more to improve.

I was a bit concerned for a few days because I identified that my container is letting air in around the rubber bung for the air lock. The plastic airlock as a moulding line in it, so I think a small sand to get rid of the ridge will help the next batch.

I bought a Brew Kit from 'HomeBrew Store' with an Australian Larger.

I do have one question though:

Do I wait for all activity to cease ie bubbling before bottling or do I wait for consistant SG over a couple of days?



Hi Phil.....had the same problem with the moulding ridge on the airlock. I pared mine back with a Stanley blade until it was smooth and that fixed the problem. I tried gladwrap and while it works fine, there is something reassuring about the sound of a brew bubbling away in the fridge whenever I enter my shed.
Thanks guys for your responses and help.

When the brew started I took a SG reading. I recorded 1030 ( not sure if I read it right) but thats what I wrote down. I know its low.

I took a FG reading tonight , day 6 and it was 1006.

I have calculated a rough alcohol % as follows:

% Alcohol = ((1.05 x (OG TG)) / TG) / 0.79

OG = 1.030
TG = 1.006

((1.05 x (1.030 - 1.006)) /1.006)/0.79 =

((1.05 x 0.024)/1.006)/0.79 =

(0.0252/1.006) /0.79 =

0.0250 / 0.79 = 0.0317

= 3.17%

I am going to take another reading 2morrow afternoon and then leave it sit for next weekend.

It is a Coopers Australian Lager. Being my first beer is this ok?
your rough alcohol calculations are making my head hurt. I don't want to sound like a smart arse but there are calculaters online and built into most brewing applications that will work this out for you simply by adding in your gravity readings.

All that aside I like your plan of taking a few readings and then giving it a little extra time. Most of the time this will end up with better beer.
your rough alcohol calculations are making my head hurt. I don't want to sound like a smart arse but there are calculaters online and built into most brewing applications that will work this out for you simply by adding in your gravity readings.

All that aside I like your plan of taking a few readings and then giving it a little extra time. Most of the time this will end up with better beer.

sorry m8 :| just wanted to make sure I had done it ok.

is 3.17% ok for my first brew?
Measure your hydrometer in water to see how accurate it is . It should read 1.000 if it reads higher then adjust accordingly .

sorry m8 :| just wanted to make sure I had done it ok.

is 3.17% ok for my first brew?
no need to be sorry at all. I wasn't having a go. I was was just giving you a heads up that there is an easier way. abv doesn't matter at all as long as the beer tastes good and you're having fun.

Measure your hydrometer in water to see how accurate it is . It should read 1.000 if it reads higher then adjust accordingly .


Just measured my water with they hydrometer and it was 1.000
no need to be sorry at all. I wasn't having a go. I was was just giving you a heads up that there is an easier way. abv doesn't matter at all as long as the beer tastes good and you're having fun.


All good.. I found a few calculators online and some rely on temperatures and some rely on the weights of the ingredients

my been has been consistant around 22%

I tasted it tonight. Tastes like beer but a little tangy on the tounge. not sweet but a little bitter and tingley on the tounge like a fruit tingle.. Is this normal?