Hi from South Brisbane!

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Hi all, been lurking as a guest here the past two weeks or so and thought it looked pretty good and thought I would join .

Been brewing since Christmas (got a kit off my old man) and have started accelerating to 2 brews per week (it's dammed additctive this stuff)!!

Any ways. Me and my mate now have 4 fermenters now and brew mostly extracts and some kit cans with additives. Amazing what swapping yeasts and some extra grain can do

Looking forward to seeing more of what's happening here!!
Wait till you go All grain mate, its a different world!
Welcome aboard and happy brewing.

I lived in south west Brisbane for a bit as a teenager. Every time I go back it's like a different world.
Welcome mate, sounds like you'll enjoy this site; a fantastic place to gain knowledge.

Sounds like you're in a similar stage where I was this time last year! Once you make the step up to all grain, the beer just gets better!
Thanks guys! Your right Lincoln it changes so much all the time, especially through that corridor! Progress is very fast.

I'm interested in going to AG chaps, seems to have so much more freedom and options. The extract stuff is good but not a lot of variety. Just need to work on the set up and put aside a little more time each week I guess! ;)

And Bribie G, that's bloody close to me! Might have to check it out!

Cheers guy. Look forward to learning more from everyone!

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