Herald Sun -vb Cops It In Taste Test.

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yeah, not really that cheap eh? I was thinking that even if its crap, if its cheap then i think it has its place. But for $47....???
I think the girls in the picture at the top of the article should kiss... B)

But that's just my point of view..
As mentioned on another thread I was presented with a $100 Coles Myer gift card and used it to buy 3 cartons of Reinheitsgebot Henninger bier for $90 which I am currently drinking my way through as my Bo Pils won't be ready till May. It will be interesting to see what happens if the Czech Brewers get approached by Woolies and Coles and can land Bo style beers for sale at maybe $25 a slab, should ream out the big two somewhat.
I think the girls in the picture at the top of the article should kiss...

But that's just my point of view..
I am wholeheartedly behind this idea... On an unrelated matter, Happy St Pat's everyone.

Just under $40 for a 30 can pack at the local
I didn't realise **** beer was still that expensive. I am told that $50 gets you a case of Coopers if you shop around (around Adelaide, that is). I can honestly say that I am oblivious to the carton price of the majority of mainstream beers. Last time I bought a carton was... ... ... around 10 years ago.

<deleted meaningless waffle to get to the point> It will be interesting to see what happens if the Czech Brewers get approached by Woolies and Coles and can land Bo style beers for sale at maybe $25 a slab, should ream out the big two somewhat.
It's the exporters/importers/wholesalers that will get approached, but it's not inconceivable that this happens (perhaps $25 is) what with the euro-lagers landing here at ridiculous prices already. I think the bigger danger to the megas would be someone putting out a decently priced, locally brewed, inoffensive lager lacking adjuncts with a ponsey Czech label, and then getting a superstar to publicly drink it. These are the nightmares of the mega's marketing teams.
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but would that happen? I thought that Broo was supposed to be "it" - microbreweries will never be price competitive against Fosters and XXX, but some of the Eastern Euro breweries sure as hell could be.
I read that article this morning in the paper but the hard copy version was headlined : New Survey- drinkers prefer some **** beer to other **** beer.

Was it Corona that was associated with being sexy?

Great photo too - 'Suburban bogan A and Suburban bogan B enjoy a beer at McMahons but we forgot to include the beer in the photo'.

God love the HS
Manticle,you must have read my mind, :lol: :lol: :drinks:
you see - people should read a little more carefully

VB was polled in a survey of people opinions about beer and how it makes you look, seem to others etc etc - conducted by "Fast Impressions Speed Dating" (a reputable source of beer info if I ever heard of one) - as ranking at the bottom of the heap.

But in the actual blind test conducted by the newspaper it was ranked third best after Stella and Corona.

So - very few of you seem to be commenting about anything that the article actually said.

I am not a fan of VB - I make it for a living, but its not a beer I enjoy drinking. I am not defending it - it does its job in the market and thats what its for. People bash on the Megas for producing bland beer... but look at both the survey and the taste test -- its what people want! You cant market at a blind taste test, and yet the tasters preferred corona! Get over it guys... we, the tasty beer drinking few, are a happy happy few. But unfortunately those now-a-bed in Megabrewland will never think themselves accurs'd that they'll not be our brothers - and indeed they are vile. You're not like everyone else, its not a conspiracy, its just that you have good taste and most people don't. Be thankful. The fewer men, the greater share of honour.

Crown - sometimes in the past its been basically "premium" Fosters. Essentially (but not quite exactly) the same beer, but held to a tighter set of quality specifications. At the moment however it is not. Its a separate wort stream to regular fosters, with a similar but unique recipe. The two are not blended or substituted with each other, and although someone suggested it earlier, neither are ever made from or blended with re-purposed VB, MB, CD or any other beer.

Like I said, not defending the beer - feel free to think its crappy, I don't care. But, at least think its crappy because of what you get in your glass, not because you believe some ******** that has managed to make its way into homebrew legend. Hell - I was at the microbrewery showcase yesterday and I had some plunker (an actual brewer from a to be un-named miro) came up to me and basically had a go at me for daring to show my face at the event wearing my CUB overalls (I had just come from work) and then in a smarmy "I make good beer and you don't kind of way" asked me if we were "still making beer in 36hrs?" - and that's the kind of ******** I hear all the time. 50% sugar... ********, made from extract and flavouring... ********, made in 36hrs.... ********, all one beer and just different artificial additives ... ********, full of preservatives... ********. etc etc etc

Hate the stuff to your hearts content - but try not to tell or believe lies about it. You don't need to, if you think its bad - surely that's enough?? Why waste your time making up excuses for it?

Me - I'm going to continue drinking the New World Pilsner I made for myself in my shed because that's the sort of beer I like, and then tomorrow I am going to go to work and make a shitload of mega beer for other people because that's the sort of beer they like. And nobody has to miss out, so surely its all good?

Rant over - survey silly - you all sillier for falling for it - me silliest of all for arcing up over it.


PS - I still wont name the brewery that the tosser who had a crack at me works for... but if it were Paul Holgate or Simon Walkenhorst I might have taken it a little better. With this guy however I had to manfully refrained from pointing out, that his particular brewery has been considered for years to be a standing joke amongst the Victorian beer community for its continued and apparently unashamed production of horribly infected swill. He obviously doesn't know it - but anyone here from Victoria could have a damn good guess at which brewery I mean.
It's easy for the brewer of craft beer to forget what brought them to well-made beer: using it as the drug it is, to get smashed.

98% of all VB drinkers drink it to get drunk. The other 2% drink it because it reminds them of the taste of rimming their boyfriend.
It's easy for the brewer of craft beer to forget what brought them to well-made beer: using it as the drug it is, to get smashed.

98% of all VB drinkers drink it to get drunk. The other 2% drink it because it reminds them of the taste of rimming their boyfriend.

Ohh, ouch.... ******' funny!
I was driven to home brewing by Cask Fruity Lexia and Lambrusco.

Hmm five casks to fill a corny - 5x9 bucks of ten percent goodness :icon_drool2:

Gas it up and we have spritzig :beerbang:
you see - people should read a little more carefully

VB was polled in a survey of people opinions about beer and how it makes you look, seem to others etc etc - conducted by "Fast Impressions Speed Dating" (a reputable source of beer info if I ever heard of one) - as ranking at the bottom of the heap.

But in the actual blind test conducted by the newspaper it was ranked third best after Stella and Corona.

So - very few of you seem to be commenting about anything that the article actually said.

I am not a fan of VB - I make it for a living, but its not a beer I enjoy drinking. I am not defending it - it does its job in the market and thats what its for. People bash on the Megas for producing bland beer... but look at both the survey and the taste test -- its what people want! You cant market at a blind taste test, and yet the tasters preferred corona! Get over it guys... we, the tasty beer drinking few, are a happy happy few. But unfortunately those now-a-bed in Megabrewland will never think themselves accurs'd that they'll not be our brothers - and indeed they are vile. You're not like everyone else, its not a conspiracy, its just that you have good taste and most people don't. Be thankful. The fewer men, the greater share of honour.

Crown - sometimes in the past its been basically "premium" Fosters. Essentially (but not quite exactly) the same beer, but held to a tighter set of quality specifications. At the moment however it is not. Its a separate wort stream to regular fosters, with a similar but unique recipe. The two are not blended or substituted with each other, and although someone suggested it earlier, neither are ever made from or blended with re-purposed VB, MB, CD or any other beer.

Like I said, not defending the beer - feel free to think its crappy, I don't care. But, at least think its crappy because of what you get in your glass, not because you believe some ******** that has managed to make its way into homebrew legend. Hell - I was at the microbrewery showcase yesterday and I had some plunker (an actual brewer from a to be un-named miro) came up to me and basically had a go at me for daring to show my face at the event wearing my CUB overalls (I had just come from work) and then in a smarmy "I make good beer and you don't kind of way" asked me if we were "still making beer in 36hrs?" - and that's the kind of ******** I hear all the time. 50% sugar... ********, made from extract and flavouring... ********, made in 36hrs.... ********, all one beer and just different artificial additives ... ********, full of preservatives... ********. etc etc etc

Hate the stuff to your hearts content - but try not to tell or believe lies about it. You don't need to, if you think its bad - surely that's enough?? Why waste your time making up excuses for it?

Me - I'm going to continue drinking the New World Pilsner I made for myself in my shed because that's the sort of beer I like, and then tomorrow I am going to go to work and make a shitload of mega beer for other people because that's the sort of beer they like. And nobody has to miss out, so surely its all good?

Rant over - survey silly - you all sillier for falling for it - me silliest of all for arcing up over it.


PS - I still wont name the brewery that the tosser who had a crack at me works for... but if it were Paul Holgate or Simon Walkenhorst I might have taken it a little better. With this guy however I had to manfully refrained from pointing out, that his particular brewery has been considered for years to be a standing joke amongst the Victorian beer community for its continued and apparently unashamed production of horribly infected swill. He obviously doesn't know it - but anyone here from Victoria could have a damn good guess at which brewery I mean.
Couldn't agree more,and sorry if i gave that impression ,i don't appreciate it that much,but in it's style,it's a consistently well made beer The brewers who brew this, and other pale Australian Lagers ARE master brewers :icon_cheers: If anyone disagrees ,maybe they should look at the BJCP guidelines for the style, and then try and brew one,consistently,and regularly :beer:
It's easy for the brewer of craft beer to forget what brought them to well-made beer: using it as the drug it is, to get smashed.

98% of all VB drinkers drink it to get drunk. The other 2% drink it because it reminds them of the taste of rimming their boyfriend.
Speak for yourself Nick ,not others 321902708_0d240586ed_m.jpg
Genuine question- how much does VB cost? Havent bought beer in a while, and definitely havent bought VB... ever. But i am interested to know what a carton of it costs (on average)?

hey stef brought a slab of stubbies for $42 last night
cheers shaun
I think the bigger danger to the megas would be someone putting out a decently priced, locally brewed, inoffensive lager lacking adjuncts with a ponsey Czech label, and then getting a superstar to publicly drink it. These are the nightmares of the mega's marketing teams.

Is Blue Tongue and John Singleton really a nightmare for the megas? Maybe Singo aint no superstar but he is in the hall of fame of businessmen of Australia,well known etc and if anyone in Australia could make a go with a product competitive to VB, I would back him and his mates doing it, rather than Pink swilling on a Coopers.

" asked me if we were "still making beer in 36hrs?" -

:lol: :lol:

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