I am not a fan of VB - I make it for a living, but its not a beer I enjoy drinking. I am not defending it - it does its job in the market and thats what its for. People bash on the Megas for producing bland beer... but look at both the survey and the taste test -- its what people want! You cant market at a blind taste test, and yet the tasters preferred corona! Get over it guys... we, the tasty beer drinking few, are a happy happy few. But unfortunately those now-a-bed in Megabrewland will never think themselves accurs'd that they'll not be our brothers - and indeed they are vile. You're not like everyone else, its not a conspiracy, its just that you have good taste and most people don't. Be thankful. The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
Crown - sometimes in the past its been basically "premium" Fosters. Essentially (but not quite exactly) the same beer, but held to a tighter set of quality specifications. At the moment however it is not. Its a separate wort stream to regular fosters, with a similar but unique recipe. The two are not blended or substituted with each other, and although someone suggested it earlier, neither are ever made from or blended with re-purposed VB, MB, CD or any other beer.
"still making beer in 36hrs?" - and that's the kind of ******** I hear all the time. 50% sugar... ********, made from extract and flavouring... ********, made in 36hrs.... ********, all one beer and just different artificial additives ... ********, full of preservatives... ********. etc etc etc