Herald Sun -vb Cops It In Taste Test.

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hahahahahah each for there own, my first brew fermenting (draught) and i hope to find a good recipe for something similar to VB because thats what i like to drink,
PS - I still wont name the brewery that the tosser who had a crack at me works for... but if it were Paul Holgate or Simon Walkenhorst I might have taken it a little better. With this guy however I had to manfully refrained from pointing out, that his particular brewery has been considered for years to be a standing joke amongst the Victorian beer community for its continued and apparently unashamed production of horribly infected swill. He obviously doesn't know it - but anyone here from Victoria could have a damn good guess at which brewery I mean.

I think we have buckley's chance of guessing who it might be.
Woolies South Australia...not sure about the other states? ....up untill about 6/8 months ago..... stocked stella the belgian version. I stoped drinking it when The DC strated getting in the Aus version but charging the same price as when it was imported! Dont ya hate that!?

While I agree with the majority of what you've said, a fair few comments within the thread seem to be taking more of a dig at the crappy reporting of the Herald Sun and the crappy beers that people 'prefer' due to the sexy sophistication it gives them rather than dancing on the grave of VB.

It's not all 'ha ha VB suxarse I hope it dies'.

Certainly some is and I don't want to make any assumptions about how it's made, not having worked there. I'd rather drink Carlton or MB than at least 10 micros I could name. I have interpreted a lot of what's in this thread to be a bit more intelligent than the usual pretend beer snobbery that people often come out with whenever big beer company products are mentioned though.

Tomorrow morning, I really hope this makes sense. My chimney is somewhat blocked.
Actually, I agree completely - the VB things was just me keeping on typing because I am genetically unable to write a short post. Originally I was just making a smartarse comment about other people's smartarse comments about the article, when they plainly hadn't read it properly... I just got carried away because I was still morally offended by the flogger at the Micro Showcase.

I genuinely don't care if people think VB suxarse. And I love beer snobs, I am one. I just dont want them to misinterpret the beer - if they think it suxarse (for example) "because its made from 50% cane sugar" then they are wrong and they sound like a ****** - if they think it suxarse because it tastes of X, Y & Z that are awful.. then there is no argument to be had. I support the beer snobs and want them to be right, rather than ignorant.
Haha fair play Thirsty. I bought a couple of VB's about 6 months ago as I was away on holidays and not much else on offer at the bottle shop. I used to drink VB out of choice maybe 15 or so years ago (when there wasn't alot of choice) and liked it. But the couple I bought - I could not finish the first long neck. It was awful. DMS and a really twangy metallic taste that I couldn't stomach. Of course, it may have been handled poorly etc but jeez it was average. I went back to my poorly brewed belgian DSA that I had also brought with me (which has been sitting in the Garage for 12 months plus because it's ordinary) and drank that instead.
Speak for yourself Nick ,not others

I wasn't deliberately meaning you were gay. Just that VB drinker's boyfriends usually are.

Speaking for myself though, you need to sell some of that VB you love and buy a sense of humour.
Hell - I was at the microbrewery showcase yesterday and I had some plunker (an actual brewer from a to be un-named miro) came up to me and basically had a go at me for daring to show my face at the event wearing my CUB overalls (I had just come from work) and then in a smarmy "I make good beer and you don't kind of way" asked me if we were "still making beer in 36hrs?" - and that's the kind of ******** I hear all the time. 50% sugar... ********, made from extract and flavouring... ********, made in 36hrs.... ********, all one beer and just different artificial additives ... ********, full of preservatives... ********. etc etc etc
Bear in mind, I know not the specific brewery or brewer you a referring to, but dude's a tool. There is no beer battle ground here. We all make it. Craft it. Brew it. Commercialise it. Send it. Drink it. Some better than others.

As creative and off-centered and off-coloured as plunker aspires to be, he doesn't get the big picture.

Any small producer in Victoria (or AUS-wide with respect) would love a proper laboratory and automation afforded to the biggies. Industrialisation doesn't make bad beer. The industraliased brewer doesn't make bad beer.

And **** you guys, VB isn't that bad for a soft drink.

I personally don't care what people drink but It would be nice if there was a popular mass produced lager that emulated say a German Pilsner. One of my locals has Bitburger on tap, nice tasty inoffensive beer. Unfortunately it makes an expensive session.

Then there are the Brewed under licence beers, better than VB but still expensive considering they are made locally.

When I was at uni in Armidale back in the day my local started to stock VB on tap. I remember we all thought it was great having this exotic interstate beer on tap. I was easily impressed back in those days. Not long after it became known as Green Death.
I wasn't deliberately meaning you were gay. Just that VB drinker's boyfriends usually are.

Speaking for myself though, you need to sell some of that VB you love and buy a sense of humour.
Ahhhh ,Nick :D Again, you show your true "trollness" :p "NOT that there's anything WRONG with that," :p Please read my comment regarding my preference re: VB,You're obviously having a slight case of lack of reality perception :icon_cheers:
I am not a fan of VB - I make it for a living, but its not a beer I enjoy drinking. I am not defending it - it does its job in the market and thats what its for. People bash on the Megas for producing bland beer... but look at both the survey and the taste test -- its what people want! You cant market at a blind taste test, and yet the tasters preferred corona! Get over it guys... we, the tasty beer drinking few, are a happy happy few. But unfortunately those now-a-bed in Megabrewland will never think themselves accurs'd that they'll not be our brothers - and indeed they are vile. You're not like everyone else, its not a conspiracy, its just that you have good taste and most people don't. Be thankful. The fewer men, the greater share of honour.

Crown - sometimes in the past its been basically "premium" Fosters. Essentially (but not quite exactly) the same beer, but held to a tighter set of quality specifications. At the moment however it is not. Its a separate wort stream to regular fosters, with a similar but unique recipe. The two are not blended or substituted with each other, and although someone suggested it earlier, neither are ever made from or blended with re-purposed VB, MB, CD or any other beer.

"still making beer in 36hrs?" - and that's the kind of ******** I hear all the time. 50% sugar... ********, made from extract and flavouring... ********, made in 36hrs.... ********, all one beer and just different artificial additives ... ********, full of preservatives... ********. etc etc etc

ty TB .. very well explained.

Is Blue Tongue and John Singleton really a nightmare for the megas? Maybe Singo aint no superstar but he is in the hall of fame of businessmen of Australia,well known etc and if anyone in Australia could make a go with a product competitive to VB, I would back him and his mates doing it, rather than Pink swilling on a Coopers.
Isnt Blue Tongue owned by CUB?

98% of all VB drinkers drink it to get drunk. The other 2% drink it because it reminds them of the taste of rimming their boyfriend.
funniest line Ive read in AHB for a long time..

btw .. People used to believe that you were born with some many heart beats or breaths or whatever, and each one you took put you closer to death.

I believe you are born to drink a certain number of beers.
Once you drink that quota, that it.
So Im not going to waste any of my beer quota on drinking a beer I dont like.
Therefore I dont ever drink VB, even if it is the only beer on offer, and even if it is free.
But in the actual blind test conducted by the newspaper it was ranked third best after Stella and Corona.

I ignored the blind test because an unknown number of people rating an unknown number of beers, served in unknown forms doesn't mean **** to me. 700 people were serveyed on thier opinion of VB and it was rated lowest, that's a lot of people. I am of the opinion that VB, MB and Crown taste very similar, so I joke that they come from the same batch. It doesn't mean I think I could brew better beer than you, but this is AussieHomeBrewer so as Aussies expect some ribbing. I'm not going to stop ribbing people but its not done with malice. Sure there are some people who take it seriously but you have to learn to ignore them. You brew the highest selling beer in Australia and as such expect some ****.

My beer will never get ribbed en masse because no one cares about it. It's good to be ribbed in Australia, it means your successful.

Peace :beer:
Hell - I was at the microbrewery showcase yesterday and I had some plunker (an actual brewer from a to be un-named miro) came up to me and basically had a go at me for daring to show my face at the event wearing my CUB overalls (I had just come from work) and then in a smarmy "I make good beer and you don't kind of way" asked me if we were "still making beer in 36hrs?" - and that's the kind of ******** I hear all the time. 50% sugar... ********, made from extract and flavouring... ********, made in 36hrs.... ********, all one beer and just different artificial additives ... ********, full of preservatives... ********. etc etc etc

Did you take your overalls off in deference to this man? You know it was the right thing to do.
On the survey:

- A survey of 700 people. What areas, backgrounds, demographics? Or was this a random sample? If they are only in one area of one city then your result is already skewed. Doesn't seem like a professional thing so result is questionable already.

- 'Fast Impressions Speed Dating' conducted the survey. Would they be a reputable research company? Or is this whole thing a PR ploy to get their name in the papers? Seems like it. Many companies release 'findings and expert reports' to get their name up in lights. Therefore the result is really window dressing for an advertisement. The company is probably bumming they basically got only one line of their press release in relating to their company. If they only surveyed people who are on their 'Speed Dating' books, then maybe the article should have been retitled 'Desperate and dateless don't drink VB, but those longing to shag drink Corona.' :lol:

Cheers Thirsty Boy for clarifying the Crown Lager myth. :icon_cheers: Has had me pondering that one for a while. Good to know from the source.

On the survey:

- A survey of 700 people. What areas, backgrounds, demographics? Or was this a random sample? If they are only in one area of one city then your result is already skewed. Doesn't seem like a professional thing so result is questionable already.

- 'Fast Impressions Speed Dating' conducted the survey. Would they be a reputable research company? Or is this whole thing a PR ploy to get their name in the papers? Seems like it. Many companies release 'findings and expert reports' to get their name up in lights. Therefore the result is really window dressing for an advertisement. The company is probably bumming they basically got only one line of their press release in relating to their company. If they only surveyed people who are on their 'Speed Dating' books, then maybe the article should have been retitled 'Desperate and dateless don't drink VB, but those longing to shag drink Corona.' :lol:

Cheers Thirsty Boy for clarifying the Crown Lager myth. :icon_cheers: Has had me pondering that one for a while. Good to know from the source.


Areas, backgrounds and demographics can skew a survey. How? What people would YOU like surveyed? AHB members only.
Herald Sun a new gallop poll? They sell papers and thats the sort of **** people... yes... people pay good money to read. Havent read the survey, I drink VB occasionly, only yeasterday whilst out whiting fishing I had a couple and it sure beat the **** out of reading a newspaper.
EDIT. dont read or buy newspapers..... its the faarkin 21st century.
I guess the Herald didn't like my comment as it hasn't been posted. It went something like,
"Out of 22 million people in Australia, 0.003% of the population was surveyed, shame on the people calling this a national survey." or something to that effect.
I'm not saying VB is good or bad, but come on 700 out of close to 22 million people and publishing the results? Even if 1% of the people were surveyed it would not class as a representative sample let alone 0.003%.

I think the girls in the picture at the top of the article should kiss... B)

But that's just my point of view..

Oh hell yeah!


With some of this sauce drizzled on them :)

Me - I'm going to continue drinking the New World Pilsner I made for myself in my shed because that's the sort of beer I like, and then tomorrow I am going to go to work and make a shitload of mega beer for other people because that's the sort of beer they like. And nobody has to miss out, so surely its all good?

TB... once again you shine :)

My dad worked for Tooheys in sales for most of my life. He has a taste for fine beer wine and spirits but will still back good old Tooheys NEW and to quote him........ "its made for a purpose, and for that purpose it excells"

very political of him but he is right!

I used to say VB or NEW was **** when i found better beer, but i dont any more, i just say i dont like it and smile inside knowing i drink something better :)


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