Help! Lost Rubber O Ring

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G'day all,

Im brewing a Coopers Sparkling Ale at the moment and the hydrometre reading is 1014/temp 20 (decreasing very slowly). Unfortunatly whilst taking the reading ive managed to drop the little rubber O ring into the fermenter......bugger.

What should I do?
Just leave it. Done it several times before. Should be OK.

Warren -
Thanx Warren for such a quick reply!

What do u suggest I do with the airlock? It might be a bit difficult to get a O ring on a Sunday.

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+1 dont mess with it youve got more chance of infection from trying to get it out
stretch a piece of cling-film over the hole. invert a glass over the cling film (around hole) to hold it in place. replace your o-ring tomorrow or asap.

that's what i would do, anyway.

Go to the spare parts drawer in the kitchen (the one that has the scissors, gladwrap, bottle opener, elastic bands, string and other bits) and find a spare lid for a jar. Check with the minister of kitchen materials that you can have this lid for a week or two. Sanitise and sit the lid over the hole. Any excess gas pressure can push the lid up and vent excess pressure.

Thank minister of kitchen materials for use of the lid and make sure they see you returning said lid to drawer.
Good answer as always POL - you have to look after the minister of kitchen of materials ;)

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