Hello From A Female Brewer

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Let me get this straight... you're brewing something which consists of tea made from seeds and flavored with flowers, but you would never add fruit... 'cause that'd be too girly... ???
You must hate my current sig. Wheat and fruit beers. :lol:
BTW chillis are a fruit... just not a very sweet one. You've already doomed yourself, so you might as well get that strawberry beer going... you KNOW you want to, really. :p

I never said such a thing about a beer being to girly! Adamt was having a joke.... Me myself personally don't like fruit in beer, and dislike wheat beer! So why would I brew them....

Strawberry and chilli could work... NO Katie leave chilli out of your beer!
Dont call it a mistake, a learning curve :p

I put Port in a beer, I dont think id do it again cos it was pretty wierd, but im glad I did it, and who knows, it could get better with age and become the best beer ever B)

Best kit beer I ever did was a chilli and kaffir lime beer... The clarity of it was unbelievable... That is how I got respect from my Biab Daddy(PP) (had nothing to do with my clevage)!

all grain one the beer behind the chilli is quite good...

Have you sorted your infection???
Beer should have flavour derived from the 4 ingredients; grain, hops, water and yeast. Anything else and it is "Beer with added x".
Have you sorted your infection???

Yes B) At least I think I have...

Actually turns out it probably wasnt an infection after many many differing opinions, more phenolic from stressing my yeast like a bitch, so just to be sure I bottled the rest of the keg, a few weeks ago, left them sitting in my 30*c shed and took an SG reading and taste sample yesterday, still tastes/smells like shit, but SG hasnt moved and no bottles exploded, so yay! :rolleyes:

Going to do my 1st brew this year after work some time this week :lol:
Beer should have flavour derived from the 4 ingredients; grain, hops, water and yeast. Anything else and it is "Beer with added x".

OT but that statement reminds me on what I read on a XXXX can yesterday - Quote "Made from 5 natural ingredients -Water Hops Malt Yeast and CANE SUGAR"

no wonder its flavourless piss.....is it just me or are all megaswill beers taste exactly the same?

Oh and welcome to AHB :icon_cheers:
That is how I got respect from my Biab Daddy(PP) (had nothing to do with my clevage)!

sorry to bring it down.

how bout chilli choc stout?
Welcome Fancy...

Great to have another girl brewer on site! And also from Perth...Ill let you know when I am brewing next come around and watch if you have a spare 5 1/2 hours! BIAB style!

Katie B)

That sounds awesome Katie :beer:
I have so much to learn from everyone, going to get stuck into the threads right now to start wrapping my head around things.
What does BIAB mean?
Is there a post anywhere with a list of all the abbreviations for this site?
OT but that statement reminds me on what I read on a XXXX can yesterday - Quote "Made from 5 natural ingredients -Water Hops Malt Yeast and CANE SUGAR"

no wonder its flavourless piss.....is it just me or are all megaswill beers taste exactly the same?

Oh and welcome to AHB :icon_cheers:
I hope that was a can of xxxx that someone else was drinking Sully?
BIAB ... stands for brewing in a bag...

It is a one vessel brewing system instead of the three which is the traditional way. The majority of people on here go the three vessel option. But I found it alot easier with BIAB not that I knew any different as the first time I saw all grain was done the BIAB way.

You will find information and starter guide under the All Grain & Partial section of the forum. As you can see there is always someone on here that will lend a hand or suggestion! Along with a laugh.

Cheers Katie :D
That sounds awesome Katie :beer:
I have so much to learn from everyone, going to get stuck into the threads right now to start wrapping my head around things.
What does BIAB mean?
Is there a post anywhere with a list of all the abbreviations for this site?
Brew In A Bag. Theres an abbreviation list in the wiki section.

Cheers Brad

Edit: beaten by a girl :D
That sounds awesome Katie :beer:
I have so much to learn from everyone, going to get stuck into the threads right now to start wrapping my head around things.
What does BIAB mean?
Is there a post anywhere with a list of all the abbreviations for this site?


Beat me to it Katie, CB, Maple & Brad. :D
