Hello From A Canuck

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hello from a beer brewing Canuck! Just joined the forum. In the process of building a new three tier rig.

Used to work part time at a micro brewery here. What I wish I had was my own in house Mill Wright like the brewery had. Would sure make this build a lot easier. The brewry was Tree Brewing in Kelowna, BC.

BTW the screen name should say "Denny's Brew", in case you are wondering.

I'm curious, but where do you guys get your yeast in Australia?

G'day Denny, welcome to AHB.

Wow, you must have access to heaps of great gear at great prices where you are. And you worked in a micro. I am quite jealous.

Post some pics of your rig, even if it is a work in progress. We love our fix of brewporn.

As for yeast, there are a couple of landing points for wyeast and white labs. We buy via either LHBS or mailorder from the bigger online HBSs in Aus. As for freshness, I don't think we do too badly. I heard Dave Lodgon from wyeast on BN the other day saying he sends a shipment per month to Aus. Price, however, is a bit of a killer - my ballpark calcs say that using a single wyeast in a brew would account for 30-40% of the price of the brew. A pretty big hit compared to the 5-10% for a dried yeast. That's why you'll find plenty of posts on this board about splitting, storing and reviving yeast packs.
[quote name='Dny's Brew' post='142963' date='Jul 21 2006, 07:29 PM']Hello from a beer brewing Canuck! Just joined the forum. In the process of building a new three tier rig.

Used to work part time at a micro brewery here. What I wish I had was my own in house Mill Wright like the brewery had. Would sure make this build a lot easier. The brewry was Tree Brewing in Kelowna, BC.

BTW the screen name should say "Denny's Brew", in case you are wondering.

I'm curious, but where do you guys get your yeast in Australia?


Hi Canuck,
Welcome to the Forum.
Are talking about liquid yeasts or dry yeasts? Liquid yeasts come from WhiteLabs or Wyeast, and dry yeasts from various sources, why do you ask?

Welcome aboard!

Yeast of all varieties is widely available here(liquid or Dry)

Had a look @ your link ,and I'm curious as to whats in a 'thirsty beaver"

Could you post a recipe for us to have a look at?Any thing with that title need s to be brewed here for a trial taste :chug: .We already have(thanks to a moderator) a "house ale" of sorts called" Skunkfart", that everyone has dabbled with,(search it up) so A thirsty beaver trial would be fitting.


P.S Out of curiosity(I'm a nosey *******),How did u come by AHB?Its nice to have some input from OS brewers. :)
[quote name='Dny's Brew' post='142963' date='Jul 21 2006, 07:29 PM']Used to work part time at a micro brewery here. What I wish I had was my own in house Mill Wright like the brewery had. Would sure make this build a lot easier. The brewry was Tree Brewing in Kelowna, BC.


Tree Brewing Hophead! What a nice beer that was.

Tasted it on a trip to your corner of the world Jan last year.

Didn't get to try any other of theirs though...

Did try plenty of other tasty tasty beers though.
Welcome to the site Denny
I have spent a little bit of time in your part of the world, and will a actually be attaching my ball and chain in Vernon just after christmas (thats where she's from). I enjoyed alot of the Tree beers, but preferred the pale ale to the hophead, for mine the pale was almost hoppier than the Hophead :eek:. Spent alot of time quaffing away on phillips Amnesiac though, my favourite canadian beer. Really enjoyed that BC Liquor megastore in Kelowna, plenty of selection in there. At least if you arent making enough beer, you have plenty of good ones to buy (is there an emoticon for jealous?) Best of luck building your three tier set up, and if you do post a recipe on here, maybe you should call it the "ogopogo ale".
All the best
Welcome to the site Denny
I have spent a little bit of time in your part of the world, and will a actually be attaching my ball and chain in Vernon just after christmas (thats where she's from).

Yeah? Well verno9n is only 15 minutes away from Armstrong BC where Gambrinus malting is located. Very nice. I buy my grains by the 25 kilo bag there.

You can also buy grains off of Freddy's brew pub in North Kelowna. Only brew pub in the area other than Penticton. The l;ack of brewpubs really was a shock to me since I lived in Victoria, BC for a few years and they have probably a dozen.

I came to this forum by wasy of searching regarding some fitting for a keg conversion. Liked what I read so I joined the forum. Lots of jurry rigging type ingenuity. :)

I worked mostly on the bottling line at Tree, but did try out as a jr brew assistant. Brewing in a micro is 95% cleaning. ugh..

I'll post more later, I'm on a slow computer with a dodgy wirless connection. My lap top is currently going through some "support" issues...

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