Fixa - You are spot on. The only vessels you need are fermenter (7 days), cube (7 days outside fridge and whatever you like inside fridge) and keg (as little as 1 day if you have lots of friends!) If you were brewing with a proper lager yeast you would adjust the above time frames a little but I'm assuming you are brewing with kits.
So all up, you syphon once into the cube and once again into the keg. Going from fermenter to another fermenter and then into a cube creates an unneccessary step and is actually inadvisable as it will increase the chances of contamination and oxidisation. It also offers no advantages. When people refer to 'secondary' here, they are often just meaning a cube.
If you are brewing kits, as a general rule, the longer you leave the beer the better. Quite often, depending on the age and style of your kit, there can be quite a biting taste on the side and toward the back of your tongue. Some people don't mind this. Some people do. If you do mind this taste, you'll probably end up doing All-Grain beers which are more time-consuming to make but you can drink them pretty much straight away - cool!
Oh! And meant to say welcome to AHB! Have a look at my post tonight in the '100 Can Pop-Up Coolers from K-Mart' thread. There are 2 links I put there for new brewers that will be great reading for you and answer many questions.
If you've just started brewing, you'll have a million questions and be really impatient for answers. Having a relaxed, slow read through those 2 threads will save you heaps of time (and money!)