Hansa is not a pils, It's a Dortmunder, ja?
A have a Dort recipe from BYO, and they say that it does best with "Tettnanger for bitterness, Hallertauer for flavour and Saaz for aroma. Spalter or Perle also work well for bittering , flavour or aroma."
SO why would you replicate a beer that is very tired from its long journey, and go the best; your own Dortmunder.
Will prob go one myself, after I make a Steam beer, Wit, honey ale (Yank style), more weizen, Czech pils, a pale, Fullers London Pride clone (by request, for a birthday gift for a friend (of a workmate) who luvs it. Hope it's close. If not, I'll be happy to consume the excess.
I best fish the Oktoberfest from the back of the fridge. Tasted good last time - 2 wks ago. Should be better now....ah, tomorrow
...oh yeah, and the coke porter w Coopers Dark ale.
Hope there's something here that's useful.