Hangovers Or Lack Thereof

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Jan 09?

That's not even 15 months.

I learnt a lot during my time and I wouldn't trade for anything but as the guy from creme brulee often suggests "it's a shit business. I'm glad I'm out of it".

It gave me an appreciation for ingredients and process I wouldn't have come across elsehwere. It also gave me a good work ethic.

And possibly an alcohol problem.

I did quit smoking though.
I will agree with this. No real hangover to be found.

I gave my keg a bashing on friday night trying to empty it to make fridge space for the brew on saturday. I drank solid from 3pm till 2 am and was rather legless when i went to bed

Was up fresh as a daisy at 8 to mash in. Felt a bit doughy but not sick, ho headache, wasnt cranky at all. had the keg empty by 3 pm and just in time for the full fermenter :)

if i was drinking comercial....... i doubt i would have brewed.

I rarly drink a lot these days. I have a few every night but i dont binge like i did in my younger days. Nice to know if i do have a few more.... into the dozens..... it wont put me out of action for the next day.

The one HB that does give me a hangover is belgian beer....... must be the yeast or what it produces. Lovethe beers but always seem to get a headache the next day.

Mixing the grain and grape is lethal for me. I used to be a cask wine drinker till I took up brewing but now I rarely drink wine. Every now and again I do a boef bourguignon calling for a cleanskin red, end up buying a couple for three bucks each why not :icon_drunk: and after slugging one and chasing it with some home brew I always wake up next morning "WTF have I done to myself :unsure: "
end up buying a couple for three bucks each why not :icon_drunk: and after slugging one and chasing it with some home brew I always wake up next morning "WTF have I done to myself :unsure: "

I'm pretty sure with or without the homebrew you'd be struggling with that.

The only happy outcome at the end of a session with $3 wine will be your wallet size.
Well I had a hangover this mornin' after drinking only 3.5 bottles of my Muntons Nut Brown Ale (first brew) the night before. I shared 1. It's been in the bottles 3 weeks and has lost it's banana overtones, really becoming something special. Suprisingly, I woke up with a headache even though I've drunk the same amount of the same beer on an earlier occassion without the headache after sleep. To me hangovers have differing aspects. The headache aspect I think is produced from a dehydration of fluid around the brain, a side effect of alcohol consumption. My piss was clear and as always, was attending regularly after the initial onset.
Well I had a hangover this mornin' after drinking only 3.5 bottles of my Muntons Nut Brown Ale (first brew) the night before. I shared 1. It's been in the bottles 3 weeks and has lost it's banana overtones, really becoming something special. Suprisingly, I woke up with a headache even though I've drunk the same amount of the same beer on an earlier occassion without the headache after sleep. To me hangovers have differing aspects. The headache aspect I think is produced from a dehydration of fluid around the brain, a side effect of alcohol consumption. My piss was clear and as always, was attending regularly after the initial onset.

one good thing about AG is getting rid of the dextrose crap that we used in Kits & Bits.

since going to AG my headaches have gone altogether....
Certainly my hangovers have reduced/gone away with the introduction of homebrew into my diet. I often get pretty sick when drinking commercial beer in any greater quantity than 4 or 5 pints. Funny thing is, I usually feel fine when I go to bed but then several hours later (in the middle of the night) wake up feeling quesy with a headache and invariably wrech my guts up numerous times before spending the remainder of the night on the couch feeling sick and sorry for myself. It's as though the liver or some other organ just can't process the alcohol/preservatives and the only way it can deal with it is by getting rid of it the way it came in.

My worst experience was at the pub for last years GF where I downed about 4 or 5 caronas in maybe two hours and had to leave with my head spinning as though I had drunk the entire carton. I eventually got home and was feeling OK, yet as above went to bed and some 10-12 hours after my last drink proceded with the above process. :(
after slugging one and chasing it with some home brew I always wake up next morning "WTF have I done to myself :unsure: "
The only happy outcome at the end of a session with $3 wine will be your wallet size.
I've said it before, I'll say it again - There's not necessarily anything wrong with $3 cleanskins. There will always be some crap mixed in with the good stuff, but there's a better chance that $3 labelled wine will be an issue. The irony is that you'll find people who shudder at the thought of drinking a $15 bottle of wine if it's missing it's label and priced at $3, will gladly quaff the wine and act hoity toity if it's at full cost with the label on. Ridiculous.

I'd challenge anyone to 'slug back' a bottle of unlabelled Mot et Chandon and feel any better than they do after 'slugging back' any 750ml x 12% alcohol beverage.

As for hangovers, I find that I can pace myself a lot better with my homebrews. That may be because I'm making my way to becoming a hop-head, and my beers are now all very aromatic and flavoursome, as compared to megaswill which goes down like water now.
I love cleanskins, I actually once found a $10 magnum of merlot at Dan's, opened it when I got home and had a glass, very ordinary.....chucked the vacuum pump sealer on it, and tried again the next night, drank the rest of the magnum with no ill effects the next day..

As for homebrew, I have found that I can wake up a little dehydrated the next day, but otherwise I tend to be fine.....Never felt ill as such...
I've said it before, I'll say it again - There's not necessarily anything wrong with $3 cleanskins. There will always be some crap mixed in with the good stuff, but there's a better chance that $3 labelled wine will be an issue. The irony is that you'll find people who shudder at the thought of drinking a $15 bottle of wine if it's missing it's label and priced at $3, will gladly quaff the wine and act hoity toity if it's at full cost with the label on. Ridiculous.

I'd challenge anyone to 'slug back' a bottle of unlabelled Mot et Chandon and feel any better than they do after 'slugging back' any 750ml x 12% alcohol beverage.

I've had some ok cleanskins sure but I've also had more than my fair share of rotters. Being an eternal student and casual worker it has often been my lot to sink some 2 buck chuck. I'm not so stupid as to assume label plus expense = good beverage. However many of them are woeful and with the great variety of cheap, good wines available over the last few years there's not always a need. With getting into homebrewing, for me now there's thankfully none at all.

I get what you're saying but it was meant as a good natured jibe, not a pontification on the virtues of expensive wine.

Some very high quality single malt whiskies will give me nasty hangovers, conversely some lo-mid quality vodkas will not.

Something in my homebrews (or something not in them) not only doesn't give me a hangover, but I find clarity of thought and head the following day to be less affected as well.
I have no doubt that better beer reduces the hang over factor. In fact, it was put to the test last weekend. On Friday night, we went out and all that was served was either VB or Carlton cans. For the first time in a long time, I got smashed on Carlton and was crook as a dog Saturday. As it turned out, we also had Sat arvo and evening planned so I had to back up, but we were at an establishment that served good beers. It took a few to lose the hideous Carlton feeling and from then on it was business as usual. Got home, topped up with too many home brews and staggered into bed. Apart from general tiredness due to being a pissed idiot 2 nights in a row, Sunday wasn't too bad at all and I was able to function relatively normally.
I used to be a VB drinker. I could drink until the sun came up with no ill effects. I dont get hungover, just feel tired and run down. About seven years ago it started giving me a headache after only a couple of stubbies. I changed to Carlton Draught and it was better for a few months then the same problem.

I changed to Coopers and never have had this problem. If I go to a wedding and have to drink CUB products i get a headache after the third. I then started homebrewing and havent had any huge headaches from it.
I used to be a VB drinker. I could drink until the sun came up with no ill effects. I dont get hungover, just feel tired and run down. About seven years ago it started giving me a headache after only a couple of stubbies. I changed to Carlton Draught and it was better for a few months then the same problem.

I changed to Coopers and never have had this problem. If I go to a wedding and have to drink CUB products i get a headache after the third. I then started homebrewing and havent had any huge headaches from it.

I'm glad to find someone who I'm not related to also has this problem. Everyone I've told about this just looks at me weird.
When had a nite on the tiles on megaswill i used to get sore legs (knees) the next day... haven't had it on HB.
No headaches, nothing but bad gas :eek:
That said, i haven't been on a bender for years, i drink plenty of brew on weekends but i pace with water and have never really been drunk on it.
I've had the odd warm rush to the face but maybe thats menapause lmao
Thats because when your out on the tiles you stand in the one spot all night watching the girls on the dance floor. When your drinking hb you probably dont stand still for 8 hours. I used to get aching shins.
Over the last, say, 3-4 years commercial beers (generally anything by CUB) suddenly began to give me massive headaches - while I'm drinking them! I'm not the only person I know who this has happened to - anyone else noticed such a thing? Never happened with homebrew.
There are a bunch of commercial brews that do this to me...though not "massive" headaches.

I recall having noticed this from Corona, XXXX anything, Boags (everything but St. George) as well as others that don't spring to mind.

After starting a job last year that involves walking pretty much non stop I lost a couple of kilos (and I was already fairly light) and now I get really bad hangovers from drinking even 3 or 4 pints of swill, often I don't even get drunk, just hungover! Never get a problem with homebrew though. I'm also pretty good drinking any of the local craftbrews, I figure its probably the lack of preservatives and simple sugars.
I rarely drink commercial beer and just stick to the HB, no problems with hangovers even after some long sessions. As for wine unless its home grown I would consider the stuff lethal. A headache in every glass. Many people have no tolerance to preservative and suffer mammoth hangovers next day, I know I am one of them. :blink:
Hmmm not entirely I agree with the sentiments here.

I can blame some of my worst hangovers to date to my own homebrew. I've always been skeptical that the people who "don't get hangovers" merely have never drank enough to get to that state (we're all different right), and it seems like the same thing with homebrew. If you've never had a homebrew hangover, you've just simply never drank enough! :D

Though having said that, i've always been one of those guys who loves to mix it up, ie can never drink that same beer all night. Probably one of the advantages of bottling my homebrew...at any given time I have the better part of 50 HB different beers on offer...and I tend to mix it up every drink.
And somewhere in there comes that age old statement about "mixing drinks gives you a worse hangover". I'm actually wondering if that just applies to variety of alcohol, ie beer, wine, spirits, or can it apply to styles of beer?

Maybe I should volunteer my body to such a study someday...
I get is so bad from commercial beer sometimes that my tongue swells up (and that's not from sharing swags Chappo!)

The cure is antihistamines! It's best as a preventative (or prophylactic) - thanks for letting me know about that Lobby. Bless than man - he works in a chemist.


PS even though I suffer from hayfever, I never take anything for it. It's easy enough to ignore. HTFU for hayfever! :super:

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