Hangover Cures

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So it is pretty late, and had a big day brewing. I need to wake up fresh in the morning, so I need a way to prevent a hangover.

Personally I make sure I stop drinking at least an hour bofore I go to bed and try to drink a few glasses of water. But my secret ingredient is to take a couple of calcium and magnesuim tablets with at least one glass of water before I go to bed. These tablets are usually used to prevent cramps of major muscles like the calf muscle, but I have found them to be extremely effective in reducing hangovers. The theory as I understand it, is that they allow the body to absorb fluid and salts. As opposed to being dehydrated from drinking too much brew and not enough water. I dont think they work without drinking water with them. But hey its what I use with great effect.

What other cures are there out there? Anyone also use calcium and magnesuim tablets?
The best way to cure a hangover is to eat a Rollmops for breakfast....or two....of course the day after.
are they those rolled out sheets of dried fruit extract?
I normally have a powerade next to bed if i head out, so i drink it when i get home..... thought it was good until this weekend i still felt bad

a beer in the morning helps :p
no, no, Rollmops is a fish, have a look: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollmops

Quote: "At the present time, rollmops are commonly served as part of the German Katerfrhstck (hangover breakfast) which is believed to restore some electrolytes."
I drink water until I can't drink anymore...then if I have to get up during the night to go to the toilet I drink some more water!

Helps more that you'd think!
I drink water until I can't drink anymore...then if I have to get up during the night to go to the toilet I drink some more water!

Helps more that you'd think!

Pretty much this ^

Then also I have vegimite toast to get back that vitamin B I pissed out during the night. Coupled with a berocca the vitamins and minerals should be back at a safer level and dehydration isn't an issue with all the water I drank.
no, no, Rollmops is a fish, have a look: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollmops

Quote: "At the present time, rollmops are commonly served as part of the German Katerfrhstck (hangover breakfast) which is believed to restore some electrolytes."

Ewww! sounds horrible! :lol:

Another thing I do is have a really big and fatty dinner - tonight I had roast pork with crackling - no good for my heart but I know it will help in the short term - fattier the better. Not sure why it works.

Had two glasses of water now, so will have two 500mg clacium and magnesium tablets with the third and go to bed. I should/have to wake up in 6 hours completely refreashed (almost)
I drink water until I can't drink anymore...then if I have to get up during the night to go to the toilet I drink some more water!

Helps more that you'd think!

I find that causes diarrhea.
Stones green ginger wine isnt too bad. But the rollmops might go well with sauerkraut... Mmmm, breakfast!
As interesting as it is to read everyones cures...Dare I say that there is already a thread on this topic. From memory the last hangover cure thread was huge
The best way to cure a hangover is to eat a Rollmops for breakfast....or two....of course the day after.

That's for sure Zwickel! Had them at Batz's and Hennos get togethers. Awesome. Batz won't let me bring them to his place again though.... :lol:
I find once you have the hangover in the morning, there is little you can do, but I do find that isotonic drinks, vitamin B tablets and neurofen can help ease it..

If I have to much red wine, I allways end up with a big banger that only sleep will cure... :ph34r:
Pretty much this ^

Then also I have vegimite toast to get back that vitamin B I pissed out during the night. Coupled with a berocca the vitamins and minerals should be back at a safer level and dehydration isn't an issue with all the water I drank.

I second that. Vitamin B + water, works even better if u start the Vit B b4 or during ur drinking.

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