Hang-over Cure

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Does any 1 have any suggestions, on what they do to cure the dreaded hangover?

I normally drink water after my last beer, take a couple of panamax, cross my fingers & pray! :blink:
No wonder you are getting Hangovers drinking Tooheys Dry and Hahn Light :ph34r: ....My cure for a hangover is coffee and green tea!!! in that order oh and a big fry up !!

Hang Over Cure

If that doesn't work, force down 2L of water before you crash, and keep a litre next to your bed. Works for me!
In this order...A glass of OJ(with aspirin), 2x double short blacks, and hit the aqua pura.

It's prolly the last thing your liver needs the next day to be hammered with more drugs(pain killers/caffiene), but it certainly takes the edge off.Moderate exercise helps me freshen up as well.
A berocca, a coffee, a toastie and then go kick the soccer ball around for a bit. Seems to sort me out!
Most importantly, drink HB or microbrewed beers!! :chug:
Does any 1 have any suggestions, on what they do to cure the dreaded hangover?

I normally drink water after my last beer, take a couple of panamax, cross my fingers & pray! :blink:


fruit sugar, i.e. fructose to restore normality, and ibuprofan for head pain, coffee as a stimulant or a cigarette to balance the depressant effects of the alc.

Does any 1 have any suggestions, on what they do to cure the dreaded hangover?

I normally drink water after my last beer, take a couple of panamax, cross my fingers & pray! :blink:

hi, they say "hair of the dog" i.e another drink, but i see this as delaying the effects

Asprin/Panadol/Ibuprofen for the head pain

Berroca helps

Cold Pizza

Lots of water

A swim in the surf does wonders.

My hangovers are OK if I stick to homebrew. To much red wine will give a terrible banging headache
Yeah, paracetamol is bad. It's processed by the liver, but alcohol is processed first. So it sits around and can cause damage, especially on a big night.

I prefer choc milk if I'm not too queasy, it has more electrolites/minerals/vitamins than sports drinks. Otherwise it's gatorade, greasy food and a bit of a sleep in.

Drink water/gatorade before you go to sleep, it makes a world of difference.
To the person who has hijacked Vlad's account: please stop, nobody believes you. Vlad would never say something like that.
ok, water is given. a pint or 2 at the end of a drinking session or before crashing.

1 neurophen plus (with codein) for the head when you get up, 2 is overkill as 1 should fix the head plus your organs are already working too hard to deal with the alcohol.

eat 1 hour before crashing (kebab with garlic sauce), then eat something greasy with your neurophen in the morning (yes lads, looks are not everything in the girl you picked up the night before... that can be taken in a few ways, but i'm thinkin with my stomach).

then hair of the dog while watching sunday cricket/football on the teev.
Yeah, paracetamol is bad. It's processed by the liver, but alcohol is processed first. So it sits around and can cause damage, especially on a big night.

Is this true? Bugger, that puts a hole in my cure ... 2x Panadol + 1 bag Smiths Crisps + 1 can Coke, then plenty Earl Grey Tea. If no one disputes the paracetamol theory above though I might change the pain killer ... mind you since I've moved to home & craft brewed beer the headache is usually far less intense, if there at all.
Well, many hang overs to come, many remedies, here's one my old man was given:

teaspoon of a good brandy, teaspoon of a good whisky, in a cup of coffee.

A good whisky was JD (Jack Daniels)

A good Brandy :unsure: Dont know cause I dont drink it :chug:

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