Grains - Bulk Buy Victoria

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E mail sent
although i will take more orders if done by 6pm today sat 29/03

grand total 51 bags (hope their ready for it)
ross will check availability and get back to me once thats done prepare to pass out the $kanga$

kleiny :icon_cheers:
Just spoke to Belgrave Brewer.

He would like
1 X BB Ale

I'll tack it onto my order, and cover the cost for him to keep it simple.

that means I'm up to

3 X BB Ale
2 X BB Pilsener (Pale)

Thats it all orders are in
no more accepted (sorry if you missed out)

Chris and revox i will send ross info for those last 2 bags

talk to you all soon about payment and pickup

Well done again kleiny. Was a top effort. :icon_cheers:

And no reVox I shan't dry hump him. :lol:

Warren -

ross is going to get back to me tomorrow morning on availability, once we know its all in stock i will send out DD info
if you could make a payment with your user name as reference it would be appreciated for tracking who's paid
( im not expecting any problems just need to be able to tick your name off against the order)

should also be able to come up with a pick up date (something that suits most / or organise collection points) probably going to need a few utes / trailers or trucks FOR 53 BAGS. just to get everyone thinking.

Wow this grew into a bit of a monster buy:

51 sacks x 25kg = around 1.275 tonnes of yummy goodness.

Top work!
Great work Kleiny ,

Thanks Wazza, for putting my order through, but after checking my stocks i only need

1 x BB Ale
1 x BB pale Ale

If its a problem amending the order then i'll keep the extra bag of pale, it's no big deal

Schweet! One bag less. The Camry will thank you. :D

For the record I will be available for pick up from the warehouse. I'm grabbing Rook's, RobW's & Quintrex's orders.
Those blokes can arrange their pickup from my place. B)

Warren -
Schweet! One bag less. The Camry will thank you. :D

For the record I will be available for pick up from the warehouse. I'm grabbing Rook's, RobW's & Quintrex's orders.
Those blokes can arrange their pickup from my place. B)

Warren -

Ahhhhh, i Saturday arvo beer at Wazza's picking up grain....doesn't get much better :beerbang:

Depending on the time and date for the pickup i might need someone to hold my grain for me...
If anyone in and around the Coburg area needs me to pick up orders just pm me. I can hold about 20 bags(inc my 3).
Love to see ya do that and drink a beer at the same time. :p

Warren -

this helps ;)


minus the megaswill of course

just off the phone to ross
a couple of small problems with the grain


please check your PM i need an answer asap

everyone else the order will be confirmed shortly


just off the phone to ross
a couple of small problems with the grain


please check your PM i need an answer asap

everyone else the order will be confirmed shortly



Did you see my amended order? also PM me your banking details and also what i owe you

yes rook i got it
and it is accualy a big help

details to come soon (i cant type that fast)

All done, all ordered :party:

beat that price rise, now just to sit back and wait for the $kanga to hit the bank.

need to organise a date and time for pick up
ross tells me they may not be able to handle 14 of us rocking up so if we could get 4-5 too help with utes/trucks/trailers ( i can drop off on myway out of town) and store them around the burbs for pick up it could be a good idea.

Dates good for me (3-4 april mid day) (7-8 april anytime)
