At our last house we had a mouse, but I saw a very large cat next door, so I left some cat biscuits out for him. Not every night, but he always checked the dish on his patrols. Never had a problem after that.
The old style Gal Iron garbage cans are great for storing grain, & if you flip it over its a great kettle stand!
I have had a few mice try to get a cheap feed in the garage at our new place, so I started putting out baits. I was a little surprised to see that there are some mice or rats that are now Warfrin resistant. I have used 3 different baits, and I weigh the baits every morning to see how they are going. So far I have got rid of 3 mice, and cleared away any temptations. I had a visit from a good sized BlueTongue lizard last week so he can hang around for as long as he likes
When we first started the shop at North Ryde, we had mice or rats in the roof. I put out baits but the best cure was to stick a few holes in some Sodium Met bags & throw a them up into the roof and on top of the cool room. Problem solved.
The best solution is a cat or a terrier. Duff has a couple of great cats, so I can't see him ever having a drama, maybe Doc you should ask Duff for a lend of a cat for a week.