Ok seems like a few of us are on the verge of a dry argument, so let's get this back on track. I'd be very appreciative if everyone could get $ to me asap, not sure if that has been the go previously or did Paul put the lot on his account? Anyway send me your hard earned and when I'm back from my holiday...
To clarify, does everyone know what they're up for at this stage, and are we happy to have Paul's brewery as the depot? Might be mon or tues if I need to get a freight cost then can order as soon as funds are in.
Sound ok?
Swizzle, sounds good mate, but I have no idea of how much my consignment will cost and who do I pay. If you want direct transfer which has been the norm then I will need your banking details. Send them and I will send the spondoolies.
We used to pay Paul in the same way. Direct transfer. Thanks for your efforts.
I can calculate the costs and PM everyone if you like? I will need the shipping cost and the total number of bags and I will work out freight based on how many bags each person ordered. PM me the details if you would like me to.
Cheers for all the work both Paul and Swizzle
I think most have the price list Paul has sent out to people, I know my costs for the grain and hops just need freight share and bank details once all set. Good to know it will be sorted shortly, many thanks Swizzle and Paul.
Yo Homies the order has finally gone in, freight works out to be $7/bag, hops travel free! If you know what your up for cost-wise feel free to transfer $, if not I should have itemised prices very shortly. Make sure you put your name on the bank transfer!
Julian Eades
BSB 017042
Account 452652229
How good a bloke is Paul? Might be a call for a working bee next bottling day or something, or at the very least meet up and force a glass or two of our best brews on him.