Got To Make Beer For Work Xmas Party

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In keeping with a scaled down theme and the fact that HR has been hassled numerous times as to whether I would make some beer for the end of year BBQ- I've said yes :blink: . So now what to brew for for non-homebrewing mega swillers (not that theres anything wrong with it)
keeping in mind theres no time for a pils or lager so roughly I was thinking

Pils Malt 4.2 Kg
Wheat 0.5 Kg
Crystal 40L 0.150
Carapils 0.150

Liberty @ 60 mins
Liberty@ 15 mins


OG 1.048
IBU's 25

anyone else brewed for this type of crowd, what goes down well?
My vote goes for something like Smurtos GA, can be enjoyed by the likes on here, but loved by swill drinkers too! :icon_cheers:

Im having a keg party tomorrow, and ill have a Smurto GA on tap B)
Where is Smurtos recipe, I can't find it in the DB or am I blind.

I think the Nelson Sauvin would scare 'em off - too much flavour and aroma
Where is Smurtos recipe, I can't find it in the DB or am I blind.

I think the Nelson Sauvin would scare 'em off - too much flavour and aroma

Youre blind :p

I did one like this a couple of weeks ago, its only slightly tweaked...

2kg Pilsner
1kg Golden Promise
800g Wheat
800g Munich
250g CaraMunich

60 : 20g Amarillo
10 : 15g Amarillo
5 : 15g Amarillo
Dry hop : 15g Amarillo

I think Smurtos original grain bill from memory is 2.4kg Pils, the wheat munich and caramunich and scratch the GP...
Where is Smurtos recipe, I can't find it in the DB or am I blind.

I'm interested in doing this one as well.
Sort the database by "Ale" in the drop down list on the top right hand side of the screen
Smurto's is down near the bottom of the second page.
Nice, thanks for the tip, I missed that sort tab, trying to do work as well as this so gotta be quick between AHB surfs, looks nice and tasty, would crystal 40-50L sub for the cararmunich? I don't have any
This is from

It's an easy drinker that is great for megaswill drinkers. Have a gander!

have one ready to go for tomorrow night. Asked them what they wanted and their response was "anything above 5%" <_<

I'm not an AG'er yet so stuck to a kits and bits. Think the trick is to make sure its colour is not too dark (might scare 'em off), it's well carbonated (nice foamy 'real beer' head) and has a high enough alc% that they won't care after 2. At least that's basic requirement of the crew I'm hanging with tomorrow. Oh, snuck some hallertau in there to keep me happy :D
Make a full blown 50IBU IPA... :D

:lol: +1 Then there will be more for you to drink!

I remember reading that Smurto used Caramalt instead of CaraMunich in one brew, so I dont see the crystal changing things too much, just might be a bit lighter in colour...
Nice, thanks for the tip, I missed that sort tab, trying to do work as well as this so gotta be quick between AHB surfs, looks nice and tasty, would crystal 40-50L sub for the cararmunich? I don't have any

IMO the sort of crystal isnt uber important in this. I have used caramunich, JW caramalt and BB medium crystal.

All have worked out fine.
another vote for sumrto's golden. converted so many swill drinkers on this type of beer.

how dosnt like cascade or amarillo?
All those options look good

mmm have got a keg of 2IPA(calculated IBUs 250+) at the moment but that would be too cruel and anyway Its too good to give away!
Are you billing them at overtime rates for the production?
Otherwise why bother?
An American blonde-style is a good crossover/transition beer between megabrews and good homebrew.

Wanna recipe?

I agree for a Smurto special or something fit for a lawnmower.

- Mash for high attenuation & thin body
- Addition of some adjunct such as corn, rice or sucrose to help keep it thin. (10%)
- Subtle familiar hops. e.g. Hallertau & low IBU 15-20.
- Good dose of Wheat or Carapils to enhance head retention.

If you want to be 'out there' 5% Medium Crystal. :D
Hmmm, light pale lager, midish bitterness.

Batch Size: 24.00 L
Boil Size: 31.06 L
Estimated OG: 1.047 SG
Estimated Color: 2.6 SRM
Estimated IBU: 28.4 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.00 kg Pale Malt, Galaxy (Barrett Burston) (1.5 Grain 90.91 %
0.20 kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM) Grain 4.55 %
35.00 gm Cluster [7.00 %] (90 min) Hops 28.4 IBU
0.20 kg Cane Sugar (boil for 15 min) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 4.55 %
1 Pkgs SafLager German Lager (DCL Yeast #S-189) Yeast-Lager

15 min Protein Rest Add 12.13 L of water at 65.2 C 55.0 C
60 min Saccharification Heat to 65.0 C over 15 min 65.0 C
10 min Mash Out Heat to 76.0 C over 15 min 76.0 C

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