Goldings In A Canadian Blonde?

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Hey lads. I'm about to put down my fourth brew and am still trying to use up all the bits and pieces that were given to me with my kit (present). I'm down to a can of coopers canadian blonde, a packet of styrian goldings pellets and a packet of US05 yeast. Can the three work together? Any bits and pieces I would need to pick up to turn it into a bit more interesting brew? I've been reading up and it seems the consensus is it will be a bit boring without some additions.
I'd boil the kit with a kilo of malt in 10L waterfor about 45 mins, adding 20g of the hops at 20 mins and another 20-30g at flameout. Boiling the kit should drive off any flavour it has while still keeping the bitterness. I'd prolly get an English yeast to use instead of US-05, try S-04, Windsor or Nottingham. Also consider getting some crystal malt in there, something like Carared or Caraaroma. Actually I noticed Craftbrewer have Carabohemian which sounds like a beauty, never used it myself though.
Cheers homebrewer, I'll check out those yeasts when I go past a HBS next.
Personally I wouldn't boil the kit as there isn't much hop in there anyway. Styrians would go well, they are a European hop and are used in many Euro lagers such as Stella Artois (Main hop is Saaz but there are some Styrians in there as well).

US-05 isn't too bad, if you ferment it at around 17 degrees it will make a fairly convincing fake lager. Homebrewer79 is obviously nudging your brew towards a UK style bitter, fair enough, but you can still make a lager-like drop with what you have on hand. I'd go with Homebrewer's hop schedule as you want the aroma mainly.
Ok so going with your idea Bribie and using homebrewers hop schedule what else would you add? I have a packet of BE1 and BE2 lying around somewhere or am i better off going down a different path like straight malt? Lager-esque is fine with me, i'm just trying to use up all the extras so I can get to brewing the things i really want to drink. ;)

Cheers lads.
just drinking a keg now- canadian blonde-coops wheat extract 1.5kg-200g caramalt-100g carapils-100 g caramelb saf05 18* 21ltrs 20gr amarillo 15 min boil then 20 grm amarillo as a tea added to secondary,og 1056 fg 1014 6.3% very nice :icon_drool2:
Well bugger me it tastes like beer... :rolleyes:

Seems everything has gone wrong for me on this (my fourth) brew but and I can't believe I'm saying it, the brew is tasting a damn sight better than my other brews where I didn't add extra hops.

The "styrian goldings" were actually EKG but i threw 'em in anyway, followed the boil schedule with 20g then 30g but I dumped them straight in the fermenter... BAD IDEA! The whole thing has gone green so it looks like i'll be giving cold conditioning a go much sooner than I thought. Having a heap of trouble keeping the temp acceptable here in Adelaide at the moment but nothing seems to be phasing this batch 48 hours into the ferment.
The hops will settle out so cold conditioning shouldn't be nessesary, although it will be beneficial for the beer, it wont have to be done.
Ok so going with your idea Bribie and using homebrewers hop schedule what else would you add? I have a packet of BE1 and BE2 lying around somewhere or am i better off going down a different path like straight malt? Lager-esque is fine with me, i'm just trying to use up all the extras so I can get to brewing the things i really want to drink. ;)

Cheers lads.

Just go ahead and brew what you want to drink IMHO
Those left over extras will soon get consumed.

personally I'd use Cascade in the Canadian Blode and keep the Styrian Goldings for a Aussie Pale Ale kit.

BE1 makes the brew thinner, BE2 is slightly maltier, use whuchever is to your taste

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