God, I Need To Brew

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Unhappy camper
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Bentleigh, Vic
I am constantly finding myself reading these forums, and thinking about the beers I want to brew, and how I can improve beers I've previously brewed.

So, in the same manner as the "God, I need a beer" thread, here's the place to vent your frustration at being stuck at work, rather than happily brewin'

And yeah, it sure beats the heck out of translating EDI mapping specifications.

God, I need to brew!
Not enough hours in a day to brew all the beer I want to. For every beer I make, two more go on the list. I wish I worked in a brewery :(
Not enough hours in a day to brew all the beer I want to. For every beer I make, two more go on the list. I wish I worked in a brewery :(

So you can make one beer, all day, every day?

I'm not short of time to brew - I just don't drink it quick enough to brew everything I want to. Last little while I've been looking about for a 15l fermenter so I can double my brew frequency but I'm not having much luck finding what I want (HDPE, close to home, dunno how I feel about brewing in a cube).

God, I need to brew (more)!
Not enough hours in a day to brew all the beer I want to. For every beer I make, two more go on the list. I wish I worked in a brewery :(
one of the smartest things i heard was to print out a copy of the BJCP or similar and brew only 1 beer of each style/category you want to try. only after you've tried all the ones you want, then go back and start making any style beer. but try and work your way back thru so you keep getting differant styles.

but yeah my brew list is bloody long. i think everyone's is. i need more kegs i recon. 10 isnt enough.

been looking about for a 15l fermenter so I can double my brew frequency but I'm not having much luck finding what I want (HDPE, close to home,).
bunnings 'water' barrel. 25L and ~$15. its with all the bbq gear
I've considered those, CM2, but I'm looking at 12l-ish batches and I dunno if this is more superstitous than based in any sort of reality but I'm not sure such a large headspace is such a great idea. I suppose once it gets fermenting it shouldn't matter a stuff really (?).
i figured thats what you might have been thinking. it shouldnt matter once it gets fermenting. i bought 2 of the bunnings ones for the same reason (small batch). havent used them yet. only been brewing double batches. go figure.
one of the smartest things i heard was to print out a copy of the BJCP or similar and brew only 1 beer of each style/category you want to try. only after you've tried all the ones you want, then go back and start making any style beer. but try and work your way back thru so you keep getting differant styles.

This is on the to do list, I'll just have to force myself to move on to the next category, no matter how good the last one was. I wish I had a ferment fridge for Lagers :(
I've considered those, CM2, but I'm looking at 12l-ish batches and I dunno if this is more superstitous than based in any sort of reality but I'm not sure such a large headspace is such a great idea. I suppose once it gets fermenting it shouldn't matter a stuff really (?).

Bum, I've done quite a few small batch's (11-15L) in 30L fermenters when I first started extract brewing, never had any troubles. Although I always had a quick start to fermentation, not sure I'd want a lagger, just in case.
Planning on picking up the 3 main vessels from my mates place this arvo so I can finally brew at my place in lieu of his shed! Woohoo!

Work is slow here atm, hence more time studying recipes for me...

Yup I need to brew.
Bum, I've done quite a few small batch's (11-15L) in 30L fermenters when I first started extract brewing, never had any troubles. Although I always had a quick start to fermentation, not sure I'd want a lagger, just in case.

Bugger it then. I'll just keep using the 30l unless I come across a problem.

Thanks, fellas.
Boys I need a cunning plan to sneak 4 more kegs into the brewery. I swear she has some sort of weirdo brewing radar, everytime I think i have got away with it she casually says "Sooooo, when did you buy the new tap?"
How about a few of us "lend" you some kegs, we wont be needing them back by the way :ph34r:
Boys I need a cunning plan to sneak 4 more kegs into the brewery. I swear she has some sort of weirdo brewing radar, everytime I think i have got away with it she casually says "Sooooo, when did you buy the new tap?"

Use her evil words against her...
"This old thing, honey, I've had it for years"​

Then smile sweetly, and hope she passes it off as her own forgetfulness. At least that's the way my wife gets every new pair of shoes into the house.
just buy a dozen flowers when you buy the 4 kegs.. when she starts raging at the money you spent on the keg, distract her with the flowers. she'll love you long time..

works every time!
just buy a dozen flowers when you buy the 4 kegs.. when she starts raging at the money you spent on the keg, distract her with the flowers. she'll love you long time..
works every time!

The only problem is the cost of the bunch of flowers could have paid for the next AG batch! :lol:
ZOMG! cm2 and bum in friendly, helpfull, forum shocker!
How about a few of us "lend" you some kegs, we wont be needing them back by the way :ph34r:

That could work? Has legs

Use her evil words against her...
"This old thing, honey, I've had it for years"​

Then smile sweetly, and hope she passes it off as her own forgetfulness. At least that's the way my wife gets every new pair of shoes into the house.

She will smell a rat for sure. I like the reversal thing but she'll be right on to me for sure.

just buy a dozen flowers when you buy the 4 kegs.. when she starts raging at the money you spent on the keg, distract her with the flowers. she'll love you long time..

works every time!

Sorry Seb NO DICE I may as well give her the receipt and get the beating over and done with.

The only problem is the cost of the bunch of flowers could have paid for the next AG batch! :lol:

Hence the above comment she knows me 2 well.

Chap Chap
I assumed that all you banana benders were big tough men after reading through your case swap thread and checking out the pics of previous years swaps.......

Either you need to grow a set Chappo or the women in QLD are scarier looking than the blokes :lol:


p.s. no, i am not married
Boys I need a cunning plan to sneak 4 more kegs into the brewery. I swear she has some sort of weirdo brewing radar, everytime I think i have got away with it she casually says "Sooooo, when did you buy the new tap?"

Chappo, easy peesy, but it'll cost ya.

Every time a new bit of kit is in-coming, I prep the landing with a "don't you need a new..." or go to the shopping centre and add a "I bet you'd look even more stunning in that...." type thing....2 days later, all is good, and successful landing completed, next mission begins.....

As for the topic...I like CM2s suggestion, but perhaps even give Brewing classic styles a go (it's already got the recipe part).

edit: spelin