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Great idea that to preheat the water to 80 degrees. Nice find, I have not seen that one before.
I get all my strike water that way, free from Solahart and the Sun as the old jingle used to go. As it's already around strike temp it also shortens the brew day by about twenty minutes.
Good idea, and there was a Beer and Brewer Magazine article some time back on another brewery that uses solar power to get their water to strike temp. It may well have been this one, but too lazy to look up now.

The government gave them some sort of rebate, and green grant, to get it all installed which helped.

Of course it's only useful if you believe in the Globabl Warming caused by CO2 Theory :ph34r:

Marlow ninja roles out prior to possible flaming...
If you go to a country like Israel there is a solar unit (generally hot water) on the roof of every building, with sometimes ten or fifteen on the flat roof of an apartment building. They have few if no natural energy resources. Then look around Australia and it's maybe one in four or five or even less, because we have been bludgeing off cheap coal and power for too long. If I was in charge I'd make it illegal to build a house, office or factory without a solar HWS or energy panel on the roof.
Of course it's only useful if you believe in the Globabl Warming caused by CO2 Theory :ph34r:

Yeah, that 1% created by humans which is exchanged by the atmosphere and sea.....

*Fourstar sets the bait and lets the spool run free!

Yeah, that 1% created by humans which is exchanged by the atmosphere and sea.....

*Fourstar sets the bait and lets the spool run free!


I'll take a bite

more like 0.038%.... I hate when people go about things the wrong way, it's, IMO, got very little to do with the concentration of CO2 and more to do with the massive amount of energy we've released in the past 200 odd years. All that energy has to go somewhere.

Touche, 0.038% it is!

I'm a skeptic at the best of times but with the amounts of decaying matter and respiration thats been on earth prior to the industrial revolution, surely that has been putting out way more CO2 than what human interaction has and will continue todo so well after we cut down our output. I'm not saying our cutdown and renewable energy ideas are bad, im all for it our fossil fuesl need to be reserved, they wont last forever. I just dont think CO2 is the root of the issue and if global warming and/or cooling is something we can slow/stop anyway.

I just think this whole emmisisons trading idea is 'legitimate' grab from the western govt's to keep their $ up and keep the yuan and rupee down. After all, we cant end up being the ones sewing the soccer balls... can we?
Touche, 0.038% it is!

I'm a skeptic at the best of times but with the amounts of decaying matter and respiration thats been on earth prior to the industrial revolution, surely that has been putting out way more CO2 than what human interaction has and will continue todo so well after we cut down our output. I'm not saying our cutdown and renewable energy ideas are bad, im all for it our fossil fuesl need to be reserved, they wont last forever. I just dont think CO2 is the root of the issue and if global warming and/or cooling is something we can slow/stop anyway.

I just think this whole emmisisons trading idea is 'legitimate' grab from the western govt's to keep their $ up and keep the yuan and rupee down. After all, we cant end up being the ones sewing the soccer balls... can we?

Yeah I know what you mean, one of the major concerns with CO2 emissions is that we are cutting down trees that convert all that CO2 into oxygen. The issue I reckon is in the inefficiencies of the established systems we have (coal, gas, oil, etc.) I read in a chemical kinetics text book that a minimum of 30% of the energy stored in coal goes out the chimney, and the generators they use aren't much better either. I reckon renewable energies should be supported, as it is shown burning fossil fuels decreases the air quality which is overall detrimental to our health, however I do not believe/subscribe whole heartedly in the "greenhouse effect", it does happen all you have to do is look at Venus, but I doubt 0.038% of CO2 in our atmosphere is causing it.

If looked at from a physical chemistry point of view the energy released must go somewhere, and if we consider our earth as a "closed" system when all that energy is released it will inevitably warm up. All the fossil fuels on earth have been generated over millions of years, that's millions of years of solar energy (the sun being at the bottom of the food chain in a sense) being released in a few hundred years..... Somethings not quiet right with that.

Anyway back on topic, good on ya buckleys.
Haha, thought I would be shot down for that comment. Glad there are a few others here who are skeptical of mass media claims, and Al Gore movies. The more I read about it the more skeptical I become.

Agree with your above points, so won't restate them.

I'm not skeptical about the whole global warming thing, it's happening, no doubt about it. Just dont't think it's CO2 doing all the damage. All in all though we really should try our best to be a sustanable society, energy is something we always have and always will need, the cleaner and more efficently we obtain it the better.

Good idea, and there was a Beer and Brewer Magazine article some time back on another brewery that uses solar power to get their water to strike temp. It may well have been this one, but too lazy to look up now.

Twas the Goat Brewery.
Great to see any business doing their bit to cut emmissions rather than maximise immediate profits. There seems to be plenty of breweries starting to get on board!!
IIRC the Yorke Brewery is setting itself up to be very green. Massive rainwater collection and recirculation of cleaning water etc.

The grain is going to be sourced locally (Yorke Peninsula is barley and wheat growing country) and i have a vague memory of them growing their own hops.
<< Woop Woop >>

That's the science alarm going off.

however I do not believe/subscribe whole heartedly in the "greenhouse effect", it does happen all you have to do is look at Venus, but I doubt 0.038% of CO2 in our atmosphere is causing it.
The greenhouse effect is an effect - it's experimentally proven that greenhouse gases can trap reflected IR radiation inside the atmosphere, and that this is how the atmosphere stays above the theoretical -18*C that it would naturally be at without this effect. The main gases responsible are also well known, and these include CO2. 'Greenhouse Effect' however, is not a substitute for the terms 'Climate Change' or 'Global Warming'. Those are terms for the deviation from the assumed constant state by whatever means.

If looked at from a physical chemistry point of view the energy released must go somewhere, and if we consider our earth as a "closed" system when all that energy is released it will inevitably warm up.
'Closed System'??? By what justification? Empty space sits at a cool 3K (-270*C), so Earth is comparatively hot, and will radiate heat (as well as particles for that matter) into space. Also remember that the mass of the atmosphere is immense with an okay specific heat - it takes a lot of heat to warm up all of the atmosphere... but that of course assumes you're heating a single body, and ignores all effects of climate, weather patterns, and currents. Then the atmosphere is in contact with the oceans, also quite large, which are in contact with the Earth, which also weighs a lot.

Thinking that this heat has nowhere to go is a little over-naive.

I'm not skeptical about the whole global warming thing, it's happening, no doubt about it.
I love these justifications - they've grown so much now that this is sufficient to prove the case.

'Average surface/ground temperatures' and the like are not only poorly defined, but poorly measured. To assume that the global properties of an entire planet can be summarised in a single (averaged!) parameter is scientifically laughable. To then make the leap that this single parameter is caused by a single change in environment conditions entirely exclusive of any other effects is the pinnacle of 'bad science' and yet it has so many people convinced of its authority that people are going to extraordinary lengths to combat something that we have such a poor understanding of.

The global environment may be warming. I'm not going to doubt that - I haven't seen any experimental evidence that sways me either way. Pollution is bad, I'm pretty sure of that one. Green technologies, although unlikely to be money-savers, are a clever way to generate the power that we all rely on, and should be encouraged.

I can't emphasise this last one enough: 'the Earth's atmosphere/environment is an immensely complicated and obsfucated system that cannot be summarised by one or two variables, and which we do not understand well enough to call anything "normal". Saying that the conditions are moving away from normal is a ridiculous statement that entirely ignores the first half of this paragraph. By all means, reduce the human contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, but FFS - stop pretending you're saving the planet."

I can't wait - once we have zero carbon emissions, and the global temperature keeps rising, we'll have to blame something else. I would like to nominate all reality-show contestants as the next cause of global warming. I can draw a graph of the rise in their numbers vs. the rise in global temperatures if that would persuade enough people.
bleedin politics.

we can solve ALL our energy needs immediately by going geothermal. solar is pretty useful too...

it's great to see these enlightened [sic] souls taking the lead, whether we've made a global worming or an igloo, I'm sure they'll come up with a beer to suit...

might look into some changes mesel...
the planet has cycles of heating and cooling depending on a lot of things such as position to the sun/orbit etc etc. but what has never happened before is the massive increased rate of eneregy/pollution released into the atmoshere and the rapid heating or accelerated cycle of heating. This is a major concern. esp[ as there is most likely a tipping point (cant remember the correct term), where once passed there is no going back.. the planet is a complex system and wumans have been playing about and effecting it for a short time (relative to the age of the earth). but the effect we have had is enormous and we dont know how that is going to affect the earth in the long term.

what we do know is that if we ignore warninng signs, one day we might find ourself screwed. so preemtive or proactive measures need to be taken to avoid this from happening. its called risk management in its most basic sense.

If any one thinks accellerated and unprecidented global warming is bs, look at the scientific studies on glaciers and the unprecendented destruction of them around the world. there is no doubt there is a problem never before encountered on this scale. all things things contribute to tipping the scale in a bad way; its fundamentally altering the complex system that governs earth.
The greenhouse effect is an effect - it's experimentally proven that greenhouse gases can trap reflected IR radiation

Yup this is true, but could you please direct me to a credible experiment that shows small ammounts, <1%, cause what we are observing today. The only experiments I've ben able to find are ones wiht pure CO2 vs Air.

'Closed System'??? By what justification?

Yeah you're right there. My bad

Thinking that this heat has nowhere to go is a little over-naive.

I never said it goes nowhere, i said it must go somewhere, that somewhere could be ice caps, oceans and the ground.


Global warming is a myth - so says Senator Fielding so it must be true.
Obviously the earth is flat and hey creationism has a lot going for it too. He has just been too busy to champion these fantastic causes.

OK I'll go back to being sick now...

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