Gippsland Mead makers

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Well-Known Member
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Trafalgar, Vic
Hi everyone, extremely new to the home brew scene. I'm wondering if there are any people on here who brew Mead in the Gippsland, Vic area? I'm about a week or two away from starting my first batch of Mead and would love to catch up with someone who does or has done any mead making. Chasing advice, tips, styles etc to go with. Any info would be great.


there are plenty on here that can give advice if there aren't any on your area.
Welcome to the party.

There are a few of us scattered about Gippsland, where a bouts you at? I'm yet to brew mead, it has however been on the list for a few years, coming into winter is the perfect time to throw one on as ambient temps will be kinder. There are a good few brewers east Subs of Melbourne that even produce there own honey.

One interesting thread here, will at least give you an idea of who's into the meads and honey. Most members here are quite happy to have questions and queries sent by Pm if it doesn't quite fit in a thread.

The search function on the forums is quite good, but if you can't find your answer, ask; there are no stupid questions!

Now you've got got me thinking mead.... so much to brew so little time.
Gday Knot Guilty,
Welcome to AHB.
I've never had a Mead and know next to nothing about it but I am from Sth Gippsland and interested in all things brewing. The more brewing activity down this way the better because it can feel desolate at times when the people you mainly share your HB with are your Mum & Dad and they hate it.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm in Trafalgar malt junkie. Got a few mates that brew beer in the area, I've been getting some advice on things I need off them. I've also been searching every spare minute I have through the "non beer brewing" section on here and also on

Mead has been on my kind to brew for a good many years now but I never really had the urge to step up and actually do it. The last few months I've been getting keener and keener to do it so I told the missus the other night I'm king to start brewing mead...

I'm already about 10 steps ahead of myself and have about 8 flavours I've got planned and even what I'm going to call them.. Hahaha.

I'll see how I go and let you all know the outcomes.

I'm just down the road in Moe, if your every hankering for a brew and a chat or colab brew drop me a line. And good luck with the Mead, let me know if you find any good local honey supplies, would be very interested.

malt junkie said:
I'm just down the road in Moe, if your every hankering for a brew and a chat or colab brew drop me a line. And good luck with the Mead, let me know if you find any good local honey supplies, would be very interested.

I'll let you know about the honey for sure. When i get a batch going I'll let you know too. Going through a few threads here and on it seems that the JAO is the way to go for a first mead. Joe Ancient Orange, sounds piss easy and quite tasty. Also can drink young. It'll be my first but won't be my last.

I went to the Foster farmers market on the Labour Day weekend and Melbourne Cup weekend last year. They had 1-2 different local honey suppliers. I'll be giving those guys a try first. Their blackberry honey was delicious and their Omeo Mountain honey is great too. They're from Dumbalk.