Earlier this morning, Leanne inadvertantly posted the following by using the "report this post link"
Dear RichLum where can I purchase a Country Ginger Beer Brew Kit.
Thank you for your tip.
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In answer to your question, Country Brewer Ginger beer packs are available from the Country Brewer stores,
link to webpage.
Back to the ginger beer discussion, the overall flavour is a balance of ginger flavour, carbonation, alcohol, body and sweetness. The sweetness cannot come from regular sucrose or dextrose, as these will be consumed by the yeast leaving no residual sweetness. So the end result is dry, unless you use an artificial sweetner, which then leads to other unusual flavours.
This applies to all fermented beverages. The sweetness in standard beer comes from long chain malt sugars that the yeast cannot convert. This leaves a malty sweetness in a beer.