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Well my sister is gluten intolerant and has given up drinking beer. And has not entertained the thought of paying $70 for a carton of GF free. She doesn't like beer that much. So I investigated GF brewing when I saw the sorghum syrup at Craftbrewer for $20. Much cheaper than the $60 kits I have seen around the place.
I found an Oz Pale Ale recipe on the Internet somewhere and have tweaked it a bit to make it a bit more interesting. My sister replied when I asked her, what sort of beer she wanted "I dunno, something Australian. Pure blonde?". meehh...
So here is my GF Oz Pale Ale Pilsener beer-type stuff.
So recipe is:
2.8kg sorghum syrup
10g Northern Brewer 60 mins
12g Saaz 15 mins
12g Saaz 0 mins/flame-out
1 pk Safale US-05 yeast
My sister quite like the taste of the kit Saaz pilsener I had on tap when she was here last. I had heaps of help and advice from Anthony at Craftbrewer so I may keep a bottle, age it for a bit and take it in for him to sample (if it tastes nice, then he can even think of it as part-payment for helping
) and provide some more advice. If I can knock these kits out every 2 months or so for my sister for $25, then we may save another beer drinker. 
So I boiled it all up last nice and it smelt quite grainy. "Kind of" similar to barley as in grainy, but still different. Smelt unique and interesting. I may keep a few bottles for myself and age them to see what they taste like. Am really looking forward to the first hydrometer sample in 10 days or so.
I figured for the first batch I wouldn't add any adjuncts or specialty grains just to see what the base sorghum tasted like.
One question which I haven't really found an answer to: what do people carbonate in the bottle with? I have found a coupe of recipes that use corn syrup for bottling. Anyone have a suggestion on amounts? I may try bulk priming this time. Seems like an easier way to do it than measure into each bottle.
And I have been kegging for the last 6 months, so cleaning 20 tallies and 20 stubbies is going to suck!! I should con my sister into doing it. he he..
I found an Oz Pale Ale recipe on the Internet somewhere and have tweaked it a bit to make it a bit more interesting. My sister replied when I asked her, what sort of beer she wanted "I dunno, something Australian. Pure blonde?". meehh...
So recipe is:
2.8kg sorghum syrup
10g Northern Brewer 60 mins
12g Saaz 15 mins
12g Saaz 0 mins/flame-out
1 pk Safale US-05 yeast
My sister quite like the taste of the kit Saaz pilsener I had on tap when she was here last. I had heaps of help and advice from Anthony at Craftbrewer so I may keep a bottle, age it for a bit and take it in for him to sample (if it tastes nice, then he can even think of it as part-payment for helping
So I boiled it all up last nice and it smelt quite grainy. "Kind of" similar to barley as in grainy, but still different. Smelt unique and interesting. I may keep a few bottles for myself and age them to see what they taste like. Am really looking forward to the first hydrometer sample in 10 days or so.
I figured for the first batch I wouldn't add any adjuncts or specialty grains just to see what the base sorghum tasted like.
One question which I haven't really found an answer to: what do people carbonate in the bottle with? I have found a coupe of recipes that use corn syrup for bottling. Anyone have a suggestion on amounts? I may try bulk priming this time. Seems like an easier way to do it than measure into each bottle.
And I have been kegging for the last 6 months, so cleaning 20 tallies and 20 stubbies is going to suck!! I should con my sister into doing it. he he..