Ok, graph time.
In each of these, I had the same 2400W element, 30L mash tun, and modelled 3L, 10L and 30L HEX volumes.
First one is with a 5m copper coil, 5lpm pump flow, Proportional control only:
Second is a 10m coil, 5lpm pump flow, P control only:
Third is a 10m coil, 5lpm but using some Integral control - 10min in this case, which I wouldn't call aggressive:
Even with 1000s Integral (normally the most that they go up to, at least the Aubers) it's pretty horrible:
And finally with a 15m copper coil, 5lpm, back to P only control:
I did a comparison of time constants as well, using 11s vs 120s. Bugger-all difference. 120s is not realistic for a coil as it would need to be about 150m long. So that's sweet.
More good news is that as much coil as you can fit will help get more power from the element to the mash. It will help 'buffer' the HEX temperature and will have a direct impact on ramp time because it means more power is getting through. Just try to keep the HEX volume below 10L by the look of it.
There may be tuning parameters - e.g. with Derivative control - that don't have any overshoot and I might give the Simulink tuning a go again, but it is evident that a large volume HEX is best avoided if possible -
assuming you are controlling on the coil outlet that is.