Unlike the USA where companies such as Briess make dried malt extract specifically for the big extract home brew market that exists in the US, Australian made dried malt extract is made for the confectionery and baking industry. I'd guess that a single night shift run of Maltesers or Arnotts Tiny Teddies would use more LDME than sold in all the home brew shops in Australia in a year. They wouldn't give a F about whether it's suitable for home brew. I found in my KnK days that light dried often chucked a horrible chill haze.
If using liquid I'd go for dedicated home brew liquid malt extract such as Coopers or Morgans produced out of their own mash tuns. Problem is that they could have been on the shelves of the LHBS for a year.
If using liquid I'd go for dedicated home brew liquid malt extract such as Coopers or Morgans produced out of their own mash tuns. Problem is that they could have been on the shelves of the LHBS for a year.