Getting a Dodgy Pint/Bottle at the Pub- What Do You Do?

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Hi guys!

I was at the Imperial Hotel on Friday to try the parma there since it is apparently one of the best in Melbourne. I was pleased to see they had a decent selection of beer and I had never tried White Rabbit Dark Ale on tap so I eagerly ordered that. I love the Dark Ale, so I was excited to get it in pint quantities. However, the beer I got was very disappointing. It had very little aroma, and the taste was really bad. It had that metallic CUB taste you get as you're swallowing it. But being British, I didn't complain, just drank it down. It was bearable when I had it with food.

Anyway, how do you guys go about complaining about beer if you don't think it's up to spec? It isn't immediately obvious if a beer isn't tasting how it should be to a waiter. The barman should know, but then if it's tasting like pish, he shouldn't be serving it. Is it bad that I feel like a ******** for complaining?

Also what do you guys do to give yourself the best chance of getting a decent pint? Is there a trick to it?

Cheers guys!
If a product is below the standard I know it to be I feel it my obligation to bring it to their attention, as such, they are representing the brewery at point of sale so must be presenting the product at it's best.

If it's ****, tell em... and then if they wont replace it with a smile, leave and make a point of telling him why you are leaving.
Econwatson said:
... But being British, I didn't complain...
One of a kind!

Take it back, just tell 'em it is not right and you would like something else. Probably not turning over much WRDA.
No one wants an unhappy punter telling all their mates the place sucks, nor do they want to risk someone complaining loudly about crap service/food/beer/wine.
I have found being polite and understanding when making a complaint quietly in service establishments, it is usually addressed in equally empathetic terms.
Even if they think you are another whining Pom :rolleyes:
I ordered a couple of pints of the Mad Brewers Scotch Ale, unknowingly, only to find it re-defines "smoke" in a beer, to the point it tasted more like ash tray made into liquid.

My mate and I tried our best to see the bright side of it but it was undrinkable, took it back to bar and explained, bartender tried it and confirmed that's how it should taste (I am still amazed someone would like that sort of taste), proceeded to let us order something else but asked who originally served us as apparently all bartenders are supposed to warn people who order that beer of it's intense smoke (ashy) flavour...

So even though it was (apparently) served correctly, they still had great customer service and let us change our beers. Was happy with the outcome and would go back there again. Also I think some bars might just have no idea if there is a problem until someone raises it, so I'd go with always letting the staff know!
mate that dark ale is pretty dissapointing even fresh unfortunately probably nothing wrong with it :)
i would contact the brewery and explain your problem to them,and they should get in touch with the pub and hopefully sort it out..might not be the beer could be dirty lines.
I find a polite chat to the bar staff always sorts out the problem, especially if it is a renowned beer bar.
I've taken bottled beers back to the bar at two different well known places in Brisbane and had a less than satisfactory response each time. Maybe they don't like the look of me.

One occasion two $9 stubbies were gushers and we were told they were supposed to be like that (my arse).

The other occasion two $11 pint bottles tasted old and possibly skunked and were a month past their BB date, the bartender said "it's best before, not use by" and essentially told us to suck it up. Incidentally the rest of the bottles were gone from the shelf the next day.
Had this drama from an actual brew pub and to my surprise they didn't believe me since I was the only person complaining...gave longer go there
you know what the most dissapointing thing about it is the money they actually make out of the sale of the beer/spirits surely if you got the 1 in 100/1000/10000/100000 beers that may be off, they could surely afford to give you a "free one"?
Take the bottle, jump the bar and beat the barman to death. Then proceed to pour all their spirits out and set fire to the place. Then walk out yelling as many expletatives as posdible. Then grab a car load of your mates with high powerrd weapons and do a drive by shooting whilst the place is burning down. Making sure you do a huge burnout out the front to.


Just tell them nicely that the beer has faults and see what they say
stu - i dont actually see the difference?

can you explain that a bit further please?
I did this at a place in Perth recently, They'd just put on a new keg of a Summer ale, and I took one sip and gagged. To my horror it was still very green! It was at a brewhouse and I have to assume they tapped one that wasn't conditioned for long enough, whether due to unanticipated demand or just mistake, but my goodness it was bad.

Anyway, the guy looked at me a bit funny when I told him it was green (being a summer ale) he looked at the glass and told me it was infact amber; much to my amusement I realised hadn't mentioned I meant the flavour. He poured himself some and gagged also, promptly shutting the tap off and "cupping it" and said he'd have to check with one of the brewers tomorrow. The barman was very apologetic.

Anyway, without that ale I tried their cider and was pleasantly surprised, Im not really a cider person but they won me over, next time I'm there I look forward to trying one of their ales.

end of the story? I'd mention it, most of the time publicans would probably be embarrassed to know that they're serving bad beer.
finally got some time to get back on here :)
I had complained about the white rabbit white ale in the Mundaring pub in perth. Explained that is was not right tasted too cidery and was not pleasent at all. The guy took the glass went back they had a chat and basically decided I didn't know what i was talking about and said it was fine didnt offer me a glass of something else either just put the beer back on the table.
Bruce - i have had a few horrible rabbit ales at few different places, i think thats how it is suppost to taste?
Josho said:
stu - i dont actually see the difference?

can you explain that a bit further please?
I tend to find whole jumping the bar thing slightly more effective at getting your point across. Unfortunatly some bar staff are just knob jockeys regardless of how you make your point.
I usually take the pint back to the bar, say 'I don't need my money back but there's something not right about this beer'.

Mostly the barperson will taste it, sometimes they agree, mostly they give you the next one free. I'm not actually fussed about the money but I don't want to suffer through awful beer.

I pretty much always know the beer I am drinking and have a good idea how it should taste as I mostly ask for sample tastes before trying full pints of new beer. If I've bought a pint without doing that, it's because I'm familiar with the beer - if I take it back, it's because it's broken.

Occasionally you get some idiot suggesting it couldn't be infected because there's no sourness but then I usually just order dinner.
I usually just order something else next time.

Complaining about the beer in Australia is so.......*cough* British *cough*.
Exactly my approach mants. I start with "I dont want my money back, but..." Then I'll order something else and leave the fullish schooner with him/her.
Last time this happened was with a Coopers Pale. I started, with my usual intro, ordered something else. Barman tasted it and agreed, gave me a JS golden for free. I'm happy with that service.
Josho said:
mate that dark ale is pretty dissapointing even fresh unfortunately probably nothing wrong with it :)
+1.I've always liked it in bottle,but 2 years ago I tried it fresh at the brewery and it was atrocious.Flat,warm and insipid,it was terrible.

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