Getting a Dodgy Pint/Bottle at the Pub- What Do You Do?

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I'd like a glass of wheat beer please, WITHOUT lemon in it. Out comes the glass with fruit in it. "No, I said I don't want lemon in my wheat beer. I'd like you to please pour me another one without". "But THAT's the way it's served - EVERYONE knows that!" (condescending, like I'm some sort of imbecile). 'Listen, mate, I've brewed & judged these beers & I'm telling you, that they DON'T have lemon, so just do as you're told & give me what I want!". I eventually got the beer I wanted & it was crap anyway!

We have Vicbrew meetings at the Eureka café in Melbourne. The staff get to know us pretty well, 'cos we work with them during the competitions.

'Encountered a "trippel" that was "off", but we ran it under the noses & across the palates of a few people to make sure, before I took it back to the bar & told them it's infected with brett (not in a trippel, please!).

The "newbie" said "Why did it take you so long to drink so much of it before you decided it was bad?" (ie. suggesting "you're a smartarse!"). I called the bar manager & explained that this beer is infected. Without hesitation, he turfed it down the sink ('didn't even give it a sniff himself) & offered a more expensive replacement on the house.

Also, I ordered a 750ml bottle ('cant remember what right now) of something reasonably expensive. Flat as a tack! Took it back, explained the situation to the bar-staff & got a replacement, It was ALSO flat. Took it back & got the third-degree from the bar staff, who thought I was being a prick. Called the manager, who tasted it & agreed that it was, indeed, flat (der!). He opened a third bottle & tried to pour it with a head on it, but failed dismally. Smiling sweetly/sheepishly, he instructed the bar staff to remove all remaining bottles of that beer from sale.

He asked me what else I'd like I & chose a bottle of Cinq Cents. He said that they had it on tap, so I said yes, but as he was pouring it, I noticed the price - $15/glass!! He charged me the bottle price......

Lesson: If you know your stuff, don't be afraid to say-so & get what you paid-for.

For those who say it's not "British" to create a fuss, I say "********" (I'm an ex-Pom). You deserve to get what you pay for & don't accept second-best.
I've never had something so bad I had to turf it so I just drink the thing and
a. buy something different next time or,
b. continue my session elsewhere
Lodan said:
I've never had something so bad I had to turf it so I just drink the thing and
a. buy something different next time or,
b. continue my session elsewhere
Forgive me, but you need to grow a palate &/or a spine. If you're expected to pay premium prices for sub-standard beer, you need to stand-up & let the venue know that they're fleecing their punters.
Come now, no need to be like that. How do you define a premium price?

Edit: and how bad a beer would it be for you to bother with the hassle of raising a stink?

Hang on, i read your post above and can see some bad experiences you've had.

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