Get Together At Barls

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ok guys so with the food does someone want to grab some bread rolls, ill do up a potato bake and chuck some meat on( ill try and get some of the of the hot shots again for craig).
who else wants to volunteer to bring something
Hi all,

Id love to meet some other home brewers if you don't mind a random tagging along.I've just returned from a year overseas and itching to get back into brewing and learing from others.
I'm not 100%, as just getting home something may pop up unannounced but I should be able to get a few hours.

The only brews I have are 1 year+ bottles of home brewed oxidation. Guess we could make a lesson out of those :D .


Bread rolls I can do.

Yogi, there's always Platinum Cellars on the way to Barls' place. :chug:
yogi come along all are welcome.
cheers stu see you there on the day.
got the beers in the fridge already.
I can visit a meat shoppe on the way - some thin steaks & maybe snags or kebabs ? got any onions left Barls ?? :)
cool no still have some onions mate.
Right, I'm still in...

Couple of questions though.

1) What suburb are you in?
2) If I can't manage to find a babysitter, is it cool if the demon child comes along (she's 2.5 and can work out pretty much anything she focuses on...)

Number 2 really depends on number 1, if you are close enough I'll get the missus to drop me off and then come pick me up again, or more likely she'll make me catch a cab home. I'm just thinking that even with little samples, it's going to add up and Murphy has a funny way of sticking a cop right where you don't want them to be..
ill send you a pm with the address mate. if anyone else need it just pm me.
as for the demon child im sure the dog can keep her entertained.
Right, the household of Pollux is in.

We are happy to grab some food on the way, rolls/meat whatever. Plus we have some biscuits and a jar of "Moo Moo Fetta" from the cheese factory that is attached to the Mt Tamborine brewery, very nice cheese.

I've chucked the beers from up north in the fridge, just need to duck down to the garage and grab some hopburst to chill overnight.

BTW, What time is this looking at kicking off? Apart from an early morning brew session (planned 7am mash in) we are open for the day.
starting about 11 or so.
jas what ever you want to bring im going down to pick up some snags from the butcher tomorrow.
pollux if you want to grab a salad of some sort.
if anyone has any problems heres my mobile 0409550588.
almost had to reschedule to tommorrow after a visit from the plumber
see you all tomorrow
Righto, we probably won't make it till near on 12ish, but shall bring a garden salad and some rolls....
had a good day with a total of 6 people turning up
ill post some pics shortly
here is jason (syd030 showing his beer with head.


here is some of the aftermath including a bottle of nostrodamus and a couple of others.
Was a good afternoon all round...

Thanks to Barls and wife for hosting and providing most of the beers, thanks also to Barls' dog for keeping the demon child amused and tiring her out......

Should probably mention thanks to my wife for coming along and driving me, and Stu, and Croz all home.........

I await dodgy photos.
thanks for coming around
the dog is still going fyi
pics are up
Well just home from the AFL and a side trip to Paddy's after.
Thanks for the day and the beers Barls.
Had a great time and met some fantastic new people.

Not sure thanks are in order for posting dodgy photos of me though.

Grr, wedding was great and all with free booze as one might expect, but not Belgian-good-times....
Thanks to Barls and wife for hosting and providing most of the beers, thanks also to Barls' dog for keeping the demon child amused and tiring her out......

Should probably mention thanks to my wife for coming along and driving me, and Stu, and Croz all home.........

Yep. Thanks very muchly to the host, hostess and driver. :)

A good day with some good beers. Especially liked the Nostradamus and the Hopburst. :super:
cheers for coming guys. id say the nostradamus was my favorite as well.