Get Together At Barls

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Send some food in the post for me, overnight if possible so I have something for breakfast.
Send some food in the post for me, overnight if possible so I have something for breakfast.

HAHA, I am not that generous that is for sure, I like the cut of your jib though ;)

Only seems fair that if he is supplying beer and brewing equipment I supply food and Ingredients

I might me able to make it.
My wife's Grandma' 80th is some time that weekend, so I'll confirm closer to the date once I know what is going on.


just over a week to go now. so how many do we have
I don't think I can make it. Family flying back OS so need to spend the day with them. On the bright side, I think I have convinced them that lunch at the Taphouse is a good idea...
Sadly may have to bail too many family commitments that weekend and have to give it a miss,.....oh god and those Belgians damn
I can make it. Together we can conquer the Belgians, Barls! :icon_drunk: :party:
I'm still in.

May not have anything to offer, unless you feel like hitting up my hopburst..
Sorry, won't be able to make it after all
hey pollux, bring it along mate and we will see what happens.
on the upside with less people turning up it means more for those that turn up.
hey pollux, bring it along mate and we will see what happens.
on the upside with less people turning up it means more for those that turn up.

Come on barlsey, reschedule........... you know you want to................ actually I'm struggling to find an empty Sat Sun in the coming few weeks....... bloody kids <_<
would love to but times ticking away from me as im going back to sea in sept and will be away till november.
G'day Barls,

I'll be there. Still on for brewday this saturday too, I sent you a couple PM's.

Cheers Jason.
Change that, I'll have some offerings from my trips around the Gold Coast breweries this week.....

Aw, I had a wedding (<2 weeks notice!!!) spring up.
Great friends getting hitched, but geez, I am kinda almost* keener on your do Barls.

* this word may or may not have been added to diffuse possible later retribution.
Bahaahaha, your wife is pushing you one way, mine is trying to work out a way to come along......

She wants to sample beers, the question is, should I be encouraging this interest in the hope of it leading to larger approved expenses, OR, is this my thing and she can go back to her bloody knitting (she actually loves to knit).........

She loved our little brewery tour today, and sampled everything bar the RIS from Eagle Heights, @ 11% and chewy she was thrown off, oh well, more for me to sample.
bring her mate if you want its a good thing trust me, bigger allowance to spend on beer. how do you think i got to go to belgium and bring back beers.
Sounds the goods.

Just need to sort out someone to take care of the little one and then it's a paper rock scissors match between me and wife to see who drives home....

I have a plan, we can split the driving, I'll drive there, and she can drive back.......

I hope to be there - pending on finding someone to look after the kids.