Just woke up. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is how I remember the day.
Mash in at 10 am
First beer 10 am
The Hermit performed flawlessly
I won all the pool games
The boys agreed my brew looked better than Drew's
Fell over once (who landscapes a garden on a slope?)
Talked ****
Generally won the day.
Bed at 7.01pm and slept for 12 hrs
No hangover
Was kind of hoping you wouldn't post something like this because now I am going to have to burst your bubble.
How Tripple B's last post should have read.
Drewy mashed in at 10:15, I am still waiting for the misses to drop my grain off which I left at home.
First beer was just after mash in.
HERM-IT started blinking funny numbers but still working, got supplier on the phone and sorted problem. Operator error.
Shortly after brown pump stopped pumping, lucky they are cheap enough to carry a spare. To drunk to figure out why pump stopped.
Noticed comments from others that Drew's brewery is so quiet and doesn't miss a beat.
12:00 still trying to reach mash out due to unforeseen down time.
Noticed Drew's brewery is already up to boil.
2:00 my wort finally gets to a boil.
Hung head low after being beaten at pool by a 12 year old.
Fell over talking ****, (notice phrasing was wrong in first post)
Noticed Drew's wort is cooled and in the fridge and I am still adding last hops.
Went to bed at 7:01, woke at midnight to swap hands, woke at 7:00am feeling great.
Any body like to disagree?