Gelatin I Know Its Been On B4

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brendon rose

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Im on my 3rd ever batch and lovin this. Im ready to get a CLEAR beer now. Ive got 23lt in the fermenter sittin at 1010. Do i add gelatin to the fermenter now? stir and leave for a couple days and bottle? How do i do this, sorry everyone i know this has come up b4 but i dont want to mess up the batch. Its a Beermaker Bitter from brewcraft perth.
Yes, now is a good time to add gelatine. Take a clean and sanitary cup, add 200ml of water from a freshly boiled kettle, you want to add the gelatine to water at 80C, no higher. Add gelatine, stir with a sanitary spoon, when dissolved pour into fermenter. Wait a few days and then bottle. You could also Crash Chill if you wanted to, Polyclar is another option as well. There's even a Howto.

I would sometimes add French- pressed hops at the same time, a bit late perhaps but it was good enough to get the character I was after, overall though myself I actually prefer larger late kettle hops additions. I'll often just leave in the fermenter for a fortnight, bulk prime in a cube and then just bottle- minimal fuss and no real cloudy problem to speak of, but I also don't get too carried away with clarity, I know some competitive brewing demands it but for my house ales I really don't care about cosmetics.

BTW, great work in waiting until it was stable at 1.010 before getting carried away! :icon_cheers:
Add the gelatine so that you are bottling or kegging the beer almost clear. Don't worry about the lack of yeast cells if you are bottling, there will be heaps of them still left to kick of bottle carbonation although maybe taking a week or so longer.

If you bottle with the beer still a bit cloudy, gelatine can settle the yeast out spectacularly but you could end up with 'fluffy bottoms' that cause the sediment to swirl up again when you open the bottle :icon_cheers:
my smurto's golden ale has been in the fermenter for 10 days, my FG of 1.011 has been stable for the past 3 days, so im happy that primary fermentation has finished, i've just changed my temp setting on ferment fridge down to 1.5c, so it will probably be down to that temperature by tomorrow morning. Now i want to bottle this monday, i know its a bit rushed but i need the fermenter space! So im cold crashing and i was thinking of adding gelatin too, from what i've read its best to leave the gelatin for a few days to clear, then rack off the clear beer to bottle.

so my question is can i just add the gelatin now? at the same time as im cold crashing? so that it will be ready to rack and bottle on monday?
my smurto's golden ale has been in the fermenter for 10 days, my FG of 1.011 has been stable for the past 3 days, so im happy that primary fermentation has finished, i've just changed my temp setting on ferment fridge down to 1.5c, so it will probably be down to that temperature by tomorrow morning. Now i want to bottle this monday, i know its a bit rushed but i need the fermenter space! So im cold crashing and i was thinking of adding gelatin too, from what i've read its best to leave the gelatin for a few days to clear, then rack off the clear beer to bottle.

so my question is can i just add the gelatin now? at the same time as im cold crashing? so that it will be ready to rack and bottle on monday?

Yes IMO now would be the best time to do it. Should be clear as by monday