Gas Or Electric?

  • Thread starter Malthead
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I'm new to this forum but I've noticed that most AG brewers here seem to use gas. Why is this so? Is gas more economical, a faster boiler than say a Birko 300 watt urn or are there other reasons? Seems to me that you need more equipment for gas as an urn would double as a mash tun as well as a boiler. Am I on the right track here? I presume there are not many Birko users on this forum? Can anyone enlighten me here. What is the best gear for AG if gas is the go? :blink: :blink:
Malthead said:
I'm new to this forum but I've noticed that most AG brewers here seem to use gas. Why is this so? Is gas more economical, a faster boiler than say a Birko 300 watt urn or are there other reasons? Seems to me that you need more equipment for gas as an urn would double as a mash tun as well as a boiler. Am I on the right track here? I presume there are not many Birko users on this forum? Can anyone enlighten me here. What is the best gear for AG if gas is the go? :blink: :blink:
I suggest if you haven;t done so already, have a quick read of This will give you an good basis for the understanding of the different vessels required(HLT, Mash Tun and Boiler). You will then see that a mash tun really can;t double as a boiler.

Many combinations of gas and electric(eg electric HLT and gas Boiler). Many use electric urns for the HLT and fire up a turkey fryer burner(aka NASA burner) for the boiler heat source . Use the search function on the forum - eg NASA burner, immersion element etc etc

No reason why you cant use the electric urn as both hlt and boiler, I used too before I went to big kettle and gas. Dunno about using it as a mlt though.
Why go to gas? More toys obviously!
I know of one person with a birko urn as a mash tun. But it is in a R.I.M.S and he drains to a separate boiler.
Good day
I use birko 2300 w immersion heaters for the water and the wort and it works well for me. Use drop out switches and different circuits. Three of these get the wort to the boil in 10-15 mins. I brew two batches at a time so the third element is good for a booster if needed when the boil has began. Need to replace the extension cords every year or two.
i use a 30ltr urn for the HLT

I rubbermaid 10 gallon mash tun and an immersion element if i want/need it for step mashes.

I have a 75ltr Electric copper washer - only one element wired in and use the immersion elemnet on another circuit for th eboil...

when i do extract/ Kits & Bits i use the immersion elemnet and a 20ltr SS Stock pot bought from Target (20.00) - i find this gives a really good roiling boil when boiling 10-12 ltrs...
I use a 40lt birko urn as a HLT and boil kettle without any problems. The fact that you can set an approx temp on it is great for use as a HLT, and the built in site glass is handy for monitoring evaporation losses. It also makes brewing inside the house/garage a lot easier. I use a 38lt cooler for the mash.
I'm entirely electric too - a burco 30 L as a copper, a plastic 30 L with element fitted as HLT, and an immersion element to boost either. Works a treat.
Ahh, but you don't get the aural stimulation of a NASA burner with electric :D
Hey NRB the NASA Saturn 5 is next on my shopping list. From what I've been reading it sounds exactly what I'm after. :super:

I've been boiling electric for the past 8 years. I'm retiring the electric boiler for use as a HLT and might even bung in a sight glass.

I've acquired a new keg (very much legally) to convert as a boiler. Hopefully in a couple of months I'll be on my way to space. :D

No complaints with electricity. The only problem I've found with it is 2 elements = too much boil. 1 element = to little boil. No happy medium.

Warren -
hook a rheosta on thesecond element - then the second element is fully adjustable....

When i get my 15 amp - then i will wire in the rheostat....
Thought about that a few times GMK. With my electrical prowess there'd more than likely be an upcoming pic. in the gallery of a pair of Blundstone boots with smoke coming out of them. :blink:

The rest of me would be the roast malt and the pils. would accidentally become a stout. :D

Nah, I've been entertaining the thought of gas for a while now. Just one of those things I feel like doing.

It's a case of all these years of looking at my setup and thinking... Time for a change. :party:

Warren -
I'm just a chicken. I dont like mixing electricity and water. Not stuff I would have to make up anyway. If its ready made like an urn then thats ok.

My thanks to you all for the help & advice especially Roach for his link to John Palmer's online book. I'll start getting my AG gear together.