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FS: Gas 100L 3V HERMS (morebeer) - Newcastle

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Well-Known Member
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Newcastle, Australia
I am building a new rig and acquiring parts as I go so looking to sell my old rig to finance the new one.

It was originally purchased from morebeer and I purchased from the original owner about 18 months ago, I have had trouble free brewing since buying it.

2 x march pumps move the wort around, one pumps the mash through a heat exchange in the HLT and is controlled by a ranco controller. There is a second ranco that controls the temp of the HLT by firing up the burners.

3 x 100L pots gets me around 65-70 knockout however I have pushed it to 80 before.

Comes with all hoses, CFC and a 100L conical on a stand with the control panel attached.

It has a little surface rust on the top of the stand but nothing a rub back and coat won't fix.

All pots are in good condition, I think they are alumnium. HLT and MT have "fermentap" temperature guages.

CPC disconnects and some tri clamp fittings between the chiller and fermentor. Also have another tri clamp to hose to run out into other fermentors if doing a second batch on the same day. You can knock out 120L in around 8 hours by mashing the second batch during the boil.

I'd be more than happy to run a brew through with anyone interested.

Looking for $2500 and can deliver within 200KM for $50

edit: pic attached

Swoit, you will make someone a very happy (and consistent) brewer with that.

What you upgrading to?
Yeah I have no complaints with it I am just looking to go electric and get a little more automation. Mainly just to tinker and build something from scratch but also because I need to knockout some more volume. Kids aren't far away and I'd like to get this thing built before then so I can get away with brewing a little less frequently.

Going BCS 462 controlled electric setup, in the DIY section I have started a thread called "New Brewery Build".
I should add, the guy I purchased it off paid 10k a few years ago. I think it is about 5 years old but not 100% sure
Managed to get some crowd funding for the pumps but time to buy pots so.... price drop to $2000. This is the lowest I will sell the whole kit for but would be open to discussing selling the brewery without the conical for a little bit less.

inspections welcome
Bugger, Moad! I love to do an inspection, but I'd only be window shopping with my bank balance.

Maybe I could do a swap - two teenage boys for a brew rig. Think of the advantages. You'd never have to have sex again.

Cheers mate.
Two teenage boys, I'd have to double my brewing and drinking to stay sane. I will give you a discount to help you achieve that!!
Damn it, why isn't this in Melbourne.
If it helps anyone when I sold my 70L 4V Herms I used a freight company that took it from S.E. QLD to Adelaide for $100. No affiliation etc etc

See; https://www.e-go.com.au/

Good luck with the sale Moad - if I had the coin I would buy it for sure!
I've had great service from e-go, particularly if you use their drop points. There's a list of ones that take pallets on their website.
This is off the market for now. A mate has a full kegging setup sitting idle in his shed he didn't know how to setup. I've convinced him to set it up and then take the brewery to fill the kegs.
Back on the market... sale to mates has fallen through at the last minute. A little bit annoyed as I spent the money before I had it so...

In the interest of a quick sale I'll let it go with the fermentor and chiller to an AHB member for $1700