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hey guys,

i put a brew down last nite. becuase its been so hot up here lately i added some ice to the fermenter to cool the brew down. when i added it, just after mixing the can and sugar in boiling water. the brew went real frothy. is this normal when adding ice? or could it be there was some disinfectant left in there?? i washed the fermenter with water thouroughly. would this stuff my batch if this was the case??
I got exactly the same thing with my last brew, and I was wondering about it as well :)

I added about 2L of cold tap water to the empty fermenter, then some ice cubes (cos I knew I was going to be above 30 degrees otherwise), then the dissolved sugars & can that I'd just had on the stove, then topped to 23L with tap water. I had a lot of froth, and had trouble getting a good hydrometer reading.

So it looks like the ice is the common factor here. Mine seem to be ferementing alright though, so I'm sure it's fine.

Adding ice from the open air ice tray to the brew isn't recommended as it can and most probably will add some nasties to the brew. Sterlise some old ice cream containers and freeze with the lid on. It does alter the flavour a tiny bit, but, not so much as to be noticeable.

Vitalogy, rather than trying to float your hydrometer in the fermenter, use your tap and pour some into your hydrometer test jar and take a reading. Then taste the sample, take a good mouthful. In your brewing records, write down the results. Then chuck the rest away.

This method means less chance of infection, it is easier to read the hydrometer because it is at eye level and you get to try the sample. You are only throwing out 200 mls or so.

For samples after fermentation has finished, there may be froth on the surface of the sample, use a teaspoon to scoop this out.

Many fermenters do not seal well. So long as they keep dust and bugs out, your beer will be fine. Do check after 24 hours that the yeast has kicked off. This will be obvious by froth and scum on the surface of your brew and a ring of scum on the inside surface of the fermenter.

As hopeye said, a clean icecream container with a lid on it is a great way to have brew iceblocks ready to go.
Hopeye said:

Adding ice from the open air ice tray to the brew isn't recommended as it can and most probably will add some nasties to the brew. Sterlise some old ice cream containers and freeze with the lid on. It does alter the flavour a tiny bit, but, not so much as to be noticeable.



How does it alter the flavour??

cheers Ross

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