Fridge/freezer Fridge Not Cold

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H all,

The place where I work has go a fridge/freezer thats still able to freeze but the fridge compartment doesn't appear to be getting cold. Its not all that old so I suspect that there is still plenty of gas and the compressor may still be ok.

Should I try to get it or not ?

If the freezer part is fine it may just need defrosting, or at the worst some new seals. Check it out and if you can get it for nix then take it. At worst, you'll have a huge, well insulated box to deal with.

Cheers - boingk
Get it! if not what was mentioned above it could be some blockage in the internal vents that blow aor down to the fridge. These things are very basic and a bit of a fiddle will work wonders.
Quick update.

I'm picking it up on the weekend !

Not costing a cent, well apart from petrol to take the thing home so not a bad one actually. The timing is pretty good too as SWMBO and I were discussing whether I should be on the lookout for another fermenting fridge or not.


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