Well-Known Member
would look like water..
according to the instructions i need to add polyclar and rack it to keg, leave in fridge for 24 hrs, then rack it to another keg via filter.
How did you carbonate ? Just wondering if you tried the "force" carbonate method ?filtered the beer on Sat morning, and a mate showed me how to carbonate it.
it hadnt been carbonating for 48hrs by last night, and still tasted quite flat but tasted pretty good.
i tried Ferg's method, and while it improved it still seems a bit flat.
perhaps because its an amarello ale?
anyone have a "how to guide" for carbonating for the future? i want to get the next one spot on.
as per your first stamement...still no luck with this one, if i press the release section on top of keg, can i try and start again? when i pore the beer the head comes out very gassy, but the beer is flat as a tack.
]i would suggest you now havew hat's known as CO2 break out..this occurs when the gas leaves the beer , as your pouring it...just wondering how high your reg is set too and how long and what diammeter your lines are. Yes you could release some ( not all) of the keg pressure , a bit at a time, and try nd get a good pour happening...its possible that you keg may have too much gas in it , that hasn't disolved into the beer yet
have another beer fermenting atm which should be ready by the weekend
Fergi- for the future you just set it 100kp in the "in section" of keg im assuming? and then leave for a week? was just reading if you hve the correct connections you can gas through "beer out" section of keg
yes you can also do this...it's based on the "soda stream" principle ( if you have ever seen how one works) This is in fact how i've been doing mine of late , with a combination of the force carb shake...but sending my gas"in" via the beer out tube...just make sure you have no other kegs connceted when you do this !
is it stuffed? or can it be rescued?
ive had it at 40psi through out;
firstly for 3-4days
then tried fergethebrewer's suggestion and it seemed a little better
but now, day 7, it seems back to square one.
line must be 2m long? and diameter would be less than 1cm as an est.
should i release a bit of pressure every couple of hrs over a period of time, and reduce pressure for a couple of days?