Ragmans Coat -> Where abouts do you live? Local HBS normally stock them.
Just add 5 litres of water. Makes 20 litres of wort.
The Brewers Selection is fresh from the kettles of St. Peters Brewery in Sydney, to your fermenter. Made from only the freshest Australian and imported malted barley, hops, and water. Full mash quality without the hard work. All you have to do is add the yeast.
Our range includes:
Aussie Pale Ale – A classic, easy drinking, session beer. A great thirst quencher on a hot summer's day! Try it with either the DCL SO-4 dried yeast or the White Labs WLP005.
Comparable Commercial Beer - Coopers Pale Ale
Czech Pilsner – The brilliant Golden colour results from the combination of locally grown Pilsner & Munich malts. Generous additions of Saaz hops create a pronounced floral spicy finish and wonderful herbaceous aroma. Goes great with the DCL W34/70 Lager yeast, or any of the White Labs lager yeasts.
Comparable Commercial Beer - Matilda Bay Bohemian Pilsner.
Lager – A traditional German style Lager. Bright straw colour with a balance of malt & hop flavours. Goes great with the DCL W34/70 Lager yeast, or any of the White Labs lager yeasts.
Comparable Commercial Beer - Becks, Heineken
Chocolate Porter – Roast barley & wheat help create the rich dark chocolate flavours that separate this Porter from other dark ales. Generous additions of East Kent Goldings hops create a delicately complex beer
Comparable Commercial Beer James Squire Porter.
Norwest Pale Ale (American Pale) - This Pale Ale is all about big Cascade hopped flavour, well-balanced with a big zesty citrus hop aroma, full malt character with a big bitter finish. Try it with the DCL US-56 Dried yeast or White Labs WLP001.
Comparable Commercial Beer Little Creatures Pale Ale
India Pale Ale - The use of locally grown Pale & Munich malts, create a rich, golden colour, with a robust, malt character. Generous additions of kettle hops early in the boil, help build a characteristic highly hopped bitterness with a crisp finish on the palate. The earthy, floral aromas of UK grown Fuggles hops are the signature of this hand crafted traditional India Pale Ale. Try it with either the DCL SO-4 dried yeast or the White Labs WLP023.
Comparable Commercial Beer James Squire IPA, Gage Roads IPA
Amarillo Ale - I have to admit that it isn't the most imaginative name, but the two late additions of Amarillo hops will really stand out in this refreshingly crisp "Golden" style ale. Try it with the DCL US-56 Dried yeast or White Labs WLP001.
Comparable Commercial Beer James Squire Golden Ale.
Hefeweizen - A traditional German Hefeweizen. Low on hop flavours with a large percentage of locally grown wheat in the grain bill. The use of a low flocculating wheat style yeast it will create a cloudy finish, true to style.
Celtic Red Ale - A malt driven full bodied beer, moderately hopped, with a brilliant rust red colour. Along the lines of a Kilkenny style Red Ale, this is certain to be a popular drop. Try it with the White Labs Liquid yeast, WLP004 Irish Ale yeast, or the safale SO4 dried yeast.