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Went to the kids' end of season breakup party on Sunday. took some homebrews and got funny looks. then they started asking questions... One bloke in particular wouldn't let up - how do you make it? What temp do you ferment? where do you get yeast from? How does the alcohol get in? Why is stout black and lager is yellow? Do your bottles explode? On and on and on. He even asked what do hops taste like, and I kid you not.... I offered him one of my beers so he could taste some hops, and he replies " nah mate I'm good with the goldies - I don't drink that stuff". I nearly fell over! FFS TUCK YOUR SKIRT BETWEEN YOUR LEGS AND HAVE A FU&%ING TASTE YOU NOB!
Hahahaha, Love it.
Just when you think you've got a convert.
I found all people that always drink the one beer will never even consider trying a home brew, Where you get people that drink coopers and james squires that dont mind a half decent beer will. Then you get the cheap *******s that will drink hot VB out of a cigarette ash tray as its free
'Hmm, I can smell a hint of diacetyl as it warms up. Maybe a touch of 4-vinyl guaiacol phenolic as well. Did you do a ferulic acid rest?'

Brewers. Who needs 'em?

hahha great comment.
It always amazes me when megaswill mates comment on how hoppy a beer is. Even when I've given them a 25 IBU malt driven english pale ale that I reckon has minimal aroma :lol:

When I first started dry hopping with Cascade one of my mates turned his nose up after tasting it and said "I dont like flowers in me beer" Then he went back to his VB.