Formatting A Windowsxp Computer?

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Anyone around these parts know how to format a windows xp computer without a windows cd? I need to clear the drive of everything so i can sell the computer as i dont use it anymore..
Anyone around these parts know how to format a windows xp computer without a windows cd? I need to clear the drive of everything so i can sell the computer as i dont use it anymore..

This will do the job for you.

it is a free download [40 mb] and all you do is burn the iso to a CD.

You can then format the drive to any file system you want.

or old school....

deltree /y

then...format: C:

If you need anything more, or are still feeling guilty, why are you worried? :lol:

I keep old HDs as backups alongside DVDs (pics of family, music etc) and find that I can never really sell old PCs...the just become shed PCs...

i dont really have the room for it to become a shed computer.. its still half decent. i dont really care what i get for it.. going to just wack it up on ebay for 99c starting bid :D it is sure to sell! lol

edit: Cheers for the help guys, will give it a go when i get home :)
fdisk works a treat too.

Although you can never remove all the info from a HDD, unless you completely physically destroy the drive.
I keep a DOS 6.22 and or a Windows 98 Boot disk for just this pupose, as mentioned above Fdisk is your friend for this job.

Linux and as also mentioned above Partedmagic will do th trick.

Also if you want to really get rid of the data, you need to get a product like destroy which over writes the HDD many time with 1's & 0's.

The other option is fdisk and full dos/linux based format at least 3 times.

If the computer has a windows xp license sticker on it somewhere, you can sell it with the operating system still on it, as the sticker is the license and goes with the box.
Whack a Linux CD in there, and install it over the top. Windows will be gone, and you'll still have something on there to demonstrate to potential buyers, that the thing still works.

The only way to truly destroy all data on a disc is to disassemble it, sandpaper and then smash the platters. Nothing else will suffice. The overwrite tricks will fool most consumer grade forensic tools, but will not fool police/military forensics. All classified ex-military drives get the sandpaper/smashed platter routine.
A little OT, but if i want to re-install windows, without losing all programs, emails etc, can i just run the disk? or will i need to back up forst then re import everything after?
A little OT, but if i want to re-install windows, without losing all programs, emails etc, can i just run the disk? or will i need to back up forst then re import everything after?

Yes. You can do a repair install by using the xp disk. After it searches for previous operating systems and finds your xp install, it prompts you as to weather you want to repair. Press R and the repair will run and you will not lose anything.
Yes. You can do a repair install by using the xp disk. After it searches for previous operating systems and finds your xp install, it prompts you as to weather you want to repair. Press R and the repair will run and you will not lose anything.
Which is half the problem, because it keeps all those DLLs that are probably the cause for any trouble you may be having. It will fix any OS specific issues you're having, but if your issues are cause by the third-party DLLs you have installed, they will still be there after the "repair". Faulty hardware, or outdated hardware drivers are also a common cause for problems, so check your device manufacturers for the latest driver. If you have the ability, a reseat of PCI cards sometimes helps with hardware caused issues. You can also use one of the latest Linux CD/DVDs to do a memory test without affecting your hard-disc too. I would try the reinstall first, and check the hardware if problems persist.

I've had my fair share of hardware problems, and sometimes it's easier to just scrap it and start again.
Tagging onto the bottom end of this, best software to get back what's been accidentally erased?

Old laptop HD appeared to have died and failed to boot, so the missus decided to run the Toshi repair discs in the hopes of running chkdsk, but they in turn wiped all data off the disc. Be nice to get some of the photos off the disc if at all possible, but I'm not holding my breath as I think the disc was too far gone.

And yes I'm aware of backing up - that's why I have an external drive - for my stuff ;)

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