For All The Glad Wrappers

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id been wondering since first use if it was better to sanitise glad wrap before chucking it over the top of a fermenter but from what i just read regarding its use for burns i wont bother..

Because plastic wrap is extruded at temperatures in excess of 150 C, it is sterile as manufactured and handled in such a way that there is minimal opportunity for contamination before it is unrolled for use, said Mr. Clopton of the emergency care unit at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City. However, it's best to unwind and discard the outermost layer of plastic from the roll to expose a clean surface.

To assess concerns about sterility, Mr. Clopton and his associates at the University of Iowa obtained samples of plastic wrap from 5 newly opened rolls and 13 rolls that were already in use. Two samples - one taken from the already exposed outer layer and one from a freshly unrolled surface - were taken from each roll, pressed against the surface of a blood agar culture plate, and incubated at a temperature of 35 C.

After 48 hours of incubation, 14 (39%) of the 36 samples showed no bacterial growth and 29 (81%) of the 36 samples grew 3 or fewer colonies. No growth was observed on freshly unrolled surfaces in 4 of the 5 new rolls and in 7 of the 13 rolls already in use, Mr. Clopton reported in the poster.
I have never sanitised mine. I do how ever discard the first roll before I use it, So I must be doing it right then (for once) :p
id been wondering since first use if it was better to sanitise glad wrap before chucking it over the top of a fermenter but from what i just read regarding its use for burns i wont bother..

I wouldn't bother, and I wouldn't be concerned at all.
I'm a wrapper, and the glad wrap would be exposed to contaminants much less than a cleaned fermenter lid sitting next to a fermenter that is being refilled.
Cool, I have been leaning on the side of caution as I didn't know.
I find it doesn't stick to itself as much if its wet from the sanitiser anyway.
Good to know! I asked and a bunch of blokes were all like "nah mate she'll be sweet". Still, I was nervous. Glad to know a PhD man thinks it will be OK.

i always try to put the inside "side" down facing wort when i roll it off the roll onto the fermenter then it's "fresh"

and when i open to dry hop i get a fresh bit and dont reuse it...
No, you don't need to sanitise it. As you're carefully unrolling, ensure that the clean underside touches nothing but the top of the fermenter, AFAICT the central swathe it is as good as sterile whilst on the roll, edges might be suss, but I don't place that part in contact with wort or the inside of a fermenter. Those slidey gadgets are useless, just get the serrated edge pack, hold one end in place on the fermenter, unroll and place the new sheet over the top of a fermenter, allow for some excess then press down to cut it off. Don't bother re- using it.
I am a relatively new convert to the Church of Gladwrap and the most I will do is spray a spritz of starsan around the outside edges of the fermenter before I lay that glorious wrap over the top.

This is probably more for my own peace of mind than for any real benefit to the brew.
I am a relatively new convert to the Church of Gladwrap and the most I will do is spray a spritz of starsan around the outside edges of the fermenter before I lay that glorious wrap over the top.

This is probably more for my own peace of mind than for any real benefit to the brew.

I too always spray the outside of the thread with starsan before I throw the gladwrap on it, but that's cause I've always split **** all over it.
Another for a spraying of starsan mix on the underside (wort side) of the glad wrap when placing it over the fermenter.

I normally chuck on another sheet of glad wrap going perpendicular to the first length to make sure its all nicely sealed, and also spray that with a little starsan on the underside.

Then for good measure, a nice little spraying around the edges after any sort of clean up from foam/spillage.

Might be overkill, but for the amount of starsan actually being used, id rather be safe than sorry ^_^

Just like the internet, no chill & BIAB it will never catch on...


i am now a wrapper, did the first one last week, i like it, no airlocks or lids to worry about.
no more slurping in ****** airlock water and bugs when taking samples :)
i always forgot to take the airlock out first..
The horror ... the horror.

ha, looks like youve been in my ferment fridge
except mines been blowing off krausen and looks like a scrotum hanging off the top of the cube
ha, looks like youve been in my ferment fridge
except mines been blowing off krausen and looks like a scrotum hanging off the top of the cube

Heh heh.

That's a very respectable Boh Pils behaving itself. Smells like the farts of a guy who's been eating sausage and cabbage for a week and then is force-fed beans. Tastes like a naughty hausfrau's nipples.
i have a lid with NO hole pre-drilled for an airlock. Use it tightened up then loosen a touch just after fermentation starts. Simple and works a treat. I do spray around the threads and lid as a saftey precaution
I used to gladwrap it all, not so much anymore, find sticking a blowoff tube in the grommet and into stubby with water in it easier, hot weather is not kind to the wrap or something, esp if brewing without a fridge starts tearing from the inflate/deflate.
never had that trouble always thought the mould in my fridge and the ice melting on the top freezer section would make my life hell. I have only got a bit of wild yeast in my brews and no infection to date so thats going well since I ferment 1-2 batches a week :p