I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
Just a question- how do I measure efficiency??
peas_and_korn said:Just a question- how do I measure efficiency??
peas_and_korn said:my head hurts.
kettle/brewhouse efficiency??
I'm still relatively new to brewing, and these terms are new to me...
Since this thread is about extraction efficiency, you are interested in how much sugar you convert/extract from the mash. Malts and adjuncts have specs which includes one or more figures (potential, ppg, hwe are all different ways to express this) that indicate how much sugar you could extract under laboratory conditions.peas_and_korn said:Just a question- how do I measure efficiency??
Zwickel said:well, Ill try to explain, despite of my poor english, for that I must apologize.
puhhh, hard work for me writing in english....
thank you very much, mandrakar, very kindTrust me..... your English is as good as anybody's on this site,....
Trent said:Simon
I am pretty sure that it is called fly sparging.
Hi Zwickel,Zwickel said:How do I calculate the brewhouse-efficiency?
first we measure the Wort in litre, but we need it in kg.
approxymately we may calculate the density of wort as follows:
0 Mass % --> density = 1
1 Mass % --> density = 1.004
2 Mass % --> density = 1.008
we may calculate:
(1) Mass [kg] = Volume[l] * (1 + Mass% * 0,004) [kg/l]
but stop, this only if the wort is at 20C
if the wort is still boiling or very hot, we have to calculate a contraction-factor of 0,96
that means: (2) Volume [l, 20] = Volume [l, 100] * 0,96
Now we may reckon the weight of the wort:
(3) Mass [kg, 20] = amount of wort[l, 100] * 0,96 * (1 + Mass% * 0,004)
In this amount of wort is contained:
(4) Extrakt [kg] = Mass [kg, 20] * Extrakt-readings[%] / 100
or easier:
(5) Extrakt [kg] = amount of wort[l, 20] * 0,96 * (1 + Mass% * 0,004) * Extrakt-readings[%] / 100
now we can conclude:
(6) brewhouse-efficiency = Extrakt [kg] / amount of grain [kg] * 100 %
I have made an simple Excel-sheet, you may just put in your datas:
take any result-cell and put in this formula (for cold wort):
and for hot or boiling wort:
You may put in your datas in Cell A4, B4 and C4,
where the cell A4 is the amount of wort in litre
and the cell B4 is the reading of extract in %, for example your reading ist 1048, so you put in 12 (%)
and the cell C4 is the total amount of grain (kg)
the result will show you the brewhouse-efficiency in %
puhhh, hard work for me writing in english....
tangent said:can someone put that in "stupid english?"
sosman said:Hey Zwickel - I thought you were heading downunder around this time?
Zwickel said:The new schedule is: leaving Germany at 22.Feb and arriving Sydney at 24.Feb.
hey Simon, are you leaving behind some homebrew-gear somwhere in Australia?Simon said:Hey we're swapping places, be crossing path's somewhere over India.