Could you describe your bulk priming method. Mine is as follows. Boil an amount of water(Approximately 250- 500ml) with measured amount of priming sugar. Allow to cool. Add priming solution to empty sanitized fermenter (bottling fermenter). Rack primary fermenter into bottling fermenter, allowing whirl pool motion to mix priming solution into beer. Bottling Half, then stir again to ensure solution remains dissolved.
The point is that if your priming sugar is not properly dissolved, it will settle out of suspension while bottling. This will cause uneven carbonation across your batch, some bottling will have too much Carbonation, some not enough.
Try Numbering your bottle for a few batches and see if it's consistently the same bottles ( first, middle or last in numerical order)
It could be your seals, but you said you replace them regularly. you could try marking the bottles to see if its the same physical bottles too.
You could try other bottle types. but I guess We need to know your bulk priming method is ok before offering other solutions!
Hope this helps