Hey guys, am just about to move into AG brewing (BIAB) and have been doing a bit of research on urns vs pot+burner
Up until this thread, I was strongly leaning towards the urn. Crown sell seconds (visual difficiencies. small dents, broken boxes etc) for $196+gst but was looking to pay a bit more and get a Birko... are all Birkos exposed elements (10090x0 model range) or are the new ones concealed. Also, has anyone had any trouble with achieving a rolling boil with a Birko.
Bottom line, would you pay $50 more for the Birko over the Crown? I know I have all the factual information I can get but still want some subjective opinions to pursuade my feeble decision making abilities...
I'm wiring up my shed in the next few months anyway so will make sure to get a 15a dedicated circuit...
From what I can see - they all have the same function, depends on what you want it for, and how you are going to use it.
Concealed elements have been reported to burn out with modding,
or you could not mod it, but have a lesser boil..reportedly.
exposed elements need to be celaned a little more thouroughly
you need to protect your bag from an exposed element it if B'ingIAB, but not always the case if you use the urn in certain ways, like not having the elemt on when bag in there.
I have no experience in any of the above, but have been reading all about it over the last couple of days here on AHB.
I have a concealed element crown urn, that is going to be my HLT - and have been reading about BIAB from the urn until i've got a few other AG bits and bobs together... dont want to wreck my urn using it for not what I had intended.
If i was going to BIAB urn style, I would have probably gone exposed element, and birko (because theyre slightly cheaper... apparently)
but i probably won't - and it want a consideration when buying mine